Part 8: The Funeral

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I looked out my window when I heard Vhagar's voice. My uncle had returned with my dad's body. Everyone was coming out to greet him now. I followed them too. But like my dad, I was dead now.

My grandmother was leading the mournful crowd. My uncle was sad when he got off his dragon. His eyes stayed on me for a while. Then he looked at my grandmother. He walked over to her and hugged her. My uncle:

"I burned thousands of pirates to avenge my brother, Mother. But the fire within me still doesn't cool."

"You did your best, Baelon. You avenged your brother. The fire within you will soon cool. It always gets cold."

Hearing Caraxes's cry of pain hurt not only me, but everyone. I looked at my grandmother as my father's body was taken away for the ceremony. There was great sadness in her eyes. We both shared the same sadness.

A funeral has never felt so dreary. My stomach was empty as usual, but it acted like it was at its fullest. I was ready to throw up at any moment. I'm sure Rhaenys felt the same way I did. My sister was standing next to me, tightly hugging her husband's arm. Her baby bump is starting to appear.

My father's body was placed on the hill in mummified form. Everyone, we had formed a circle around a large crowd. Just above the hill stood Caraxes and Vhagar. The other dragon accompanying them was my grandfather's Vermithor. Grandfather, his expression was incomprehensible. Maybe he was in too much pain. Just like everyone else here.

It's finally time to be cremated in the traditional way. My mother was in tears. my grandfather:

"Dracarys Vermithor."

A hand wrapped around my hand as dragon repels the giant fireball. When I turned to my right, it was Daemon. Our eyes shared the same sadness. It was definitely comforting for me to understand my pain. His violet eyes lingered for a while in my brown little purple-spotted eyes. I was the one who took our eyes off. I turned my eyes back to my father's body, now in flames. I was alone now.


I sat on thick roots of the tree. After the funeral, everyone dispersed. I thought about my memories in this garden with my dad. He was the best father a girl could ever have. And now that girl would never see her father.

I frowned when I saw my grandfather entering the garden. I always saw him inside the castle. He was someone who rarely visited the garden. When he arrived, I stood up and curtsey. My grandfather:

"Visenya, why don't you accompany me as I walk through the gardens."

I just nodded in response. Now the two of us were walking in the garden. My grandfather, breaking the silence:

"Aemon was a great warrior. He showed incredible courage with me in Dorne."


"He was aware of the danger in the Stepstones, Visenya. He risked that on his way there."

"Why did you send him, Grandpa? He's already proven everything to you. He'll be able to fight when he's king someday."

"Like I said, little one, she risked everything he."

"One day I'll die fighting like him, Grandpa. If it's free to take risks. I'll be like him."


"I'm only the second child. It's an honor to die this way."

"You still have a long way to go, little one."

"I know. And rest assured, Grandpa, I'll try to see the end of that road quickly. Just like my father."

As my cheeks got wet, I left it there and started running. I ignored the way people looked at me as I ran towards my sister's room. Everyone in my little family was here when I got to Rhaenys' room. My sister was sitting and shedding tears. I came to her and held her hand. Rhaenys:

"What happened Visenya?"

"I will always be by your side, Rhaenys. I will protect you and your unborn children. I will win victories for you. I promise you."

"You made that promise when you were born, Visenya. And I promise you. My father's void may never be filled. But I will support you until the end, just as he did."

"Visenya. I know we've only spoken a few times in the last two years. But you're my sister now. I'll protect and support you, just like a brother would."

"Thanks, Corlys."

We were all crying as the three of us hugged. The loss of my father was one of the most profound things in my life.



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