Part 28: Winterfell

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I never thought I would be this sad when Rickon passed away. He has always been my friend and best friend. But now he was lying in the cold cellar and I was looking at his statue. A full year had passed and the pain was still fresh. It was painful for me and our children that he died so early.

Master Gary, standing behind me:

"The council is waiting for you, my lady."

"I'm coming."

Cregan was named Lord of Winterfell and protector of the North after Rickon. He was nine years old then. Rickon's brother and I were regents. We hadn't argued in a year and I don't want to. I was never interested in ruling the North.

The council chamber was smaller than the Red Keep's. I sat in head chair. With distress:

"My lords, if everyone is here we can begin."

"My lady, an important raven arrived from King's Landing this morning. It's said that Princess Rhaenyra will visit Winterfell."

"There isn't any lord here for her to marry."

"You are forgetting your late husband's brother, Bennard Stark."

My eyes fell on Bennard. He was still single and it was okay for him not to marry. Exhaling loudly:

"You are right, my lords. Then good luck to you and my nephew, Bennard. She says no a lot, like me."

Maester Gary smiled. Lord Dustin:

"My lady, we have caught a fugitive from the wall lately. He must be executed."

"I'll handle it. Anything else?"

"And Princess Daenerys is fourteen years old. We've been getting a lot of letters for her hand. One of them is House of Lannister."

Daenerys was now fourteen years old. But it was obvious that she was going through a troubled age. She had been incredibly impulsive these days. With distress:

"I'll talk to her. Maybe there are a few that interest us. Any topics other than marriage?"

After other issues, everyone dispersed. I made my way to the Weirwood to pray. I wasn't alone. Cregan was praying before me. He closed his eyes and I could see tears. I knelt beside him and said in a soft voice:

"Is something bothering you, Cregan?"

"I just miss my dad, mom. The title of Lord of the North is very difficult to hold."

"I know it's hard. But me and everyone else is behind you."

"Sometimes I wish I was second like Bran. Or just as careless as Daenerys."

"Either you want to, little wolf. Because, you're Cregan. You were born to be lord of the North, and the Gods have given you that. You cannot choose your name, just as I didn't choose it. We must just accept it and wear it like armor."

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