Part 13: Driftmark

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"Princess, welcome to Driftmark

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"Princess, welcome to Driftmark. I have been assigned to welcome you on behalf of my brother Lord Corlys."

"It was Ser Vaemond, wasn't it?"


High Tide had a strange taste. This place carved by the waves definitely felt different. The room given to me had a view of entire beach. The sound of the waves was refreshing when I opened the window. To be honest, I was sure that my days here would not be boring.

When my door opened, Laena and Rhaenys walked in. Rhaenys as my niece jumps into my arms:

"Welcome to Driftmark, sister."

"Sister, it's good to see you again. And this mermaid too."

I kissed her on cheek as Laena chuckled. Rhaenys:

"I have to say I was surprised when my grandma sent the raven. It's sad to see all of our family move away from Red Keep."

"Don't worry, we're still Targaryen. Where is my mother?"

"In her room. She spends most of her days in her room."

I could only shake my head. The loss of my father saddened her more and more every day. Worst of all, she was slowly dying. I knew there was no way to prevent or stop it. But I didn't want to lose my mother.

Next morning, after breakfast, I went to see my mother in her room. She was lying in a chair by window and sewing. I sat next to her. Without raising her head, my mom:

"I didn't believe them when they said they were coming. So you were exiled too."

"I wasn't deported. Grandma told me to stay out of court for a while."

"I heard from the raven. I didn't expect you to lose your virtue so quickly."

"No one can question that. I'm one of the heirs to the Iron Throne. I'm Visenya Targaeryen."

"But people would talk. They always talk, Visenya. Your grandmother did right thing."

She lifted her head from the seam and our eyes met. My mother:

"Your brown eyes remind me of my father. Thank God I can see the purple spots."

"You're not well, mom."

"I'm not. I'll never be good after your father."


"Everyone was sure that Aemon would one day make a good king. He would bring great victories to the Realm, but also abundance and prosperity. Oh, I can't forget the day I met your father. Queen Alysanne, my half-sister, purposely made me sit next to him."

"Now if I don't have a father, there's Rhaenys, mother. She'll be queen one day."

"Your grandmother wants it, but with Baelon and his sons it won't be our turn. Even Uncle Vaegon has a chance. You know that right?"

"Someone who dedicates his life to the Seven?"

"Every oath is broken if the king permits, Visenya."

"My sister will be queen and I'll be with her. Don't worry mom."

I kissed her on cheek and poked out. I ran down the stairs and went to the beach. I just sat there while the waves crashed into the sand. I watched sailors sailing for fishing. They were free forever. From here they could go to Essos or land in Dorne. There was never any limit for them.

I would not have this freedom. I would be sold like a breeder and forced to bear children inside a castle. I would have to give an heir to my husband and his family. Why? Would that be my purpose in life?

What about Daemon? Would he really want to marry me? Would I be any different from them when every flea whore had crawled into his bed? No it wouldn't. I was just a toy that he used.

Why can't I when he can fuck anyone he wants? I couldn't have a bastard. This would bring disrespect and disgrace to my household. But a man could have as many bastards as he wanted. The bastards they brought wouldn't stain.

As all these thoughts clouded my mind, I lay down on the sand. All I wanted was just to be loved. I wanted to be loved by a man who would truly love me. I wanted a man who would treat me with respect.


"I shouldn't do that, princess."

"There's no reason why you shouldn't."

I was lying in the grass with Aethan, only two years older than me, one of Corlys' squires. If men could have lovers without getting married. I would have the same. Everyone may think I have tarnished my household, but that wasn't going to happen unless I gave birth to a bastard.


"You'll be back in King's Landing shortly."

"I'll know there's a sailor waiting for me here. Or the one who will sail."

I connected our lips and moaned inside his mouth. Aethan:

"I have to leave before Corlys notices my absence."

"You're a Velaryon, Aethan. It'll be fine."

I slowly unbutton his shirt. I smiled as his hands went to the ropes on my back. Aethan:

"I'm ready to marry you whenever you want."

"It's not going to happen... we're just fucking each other."

"Your Targaryen women are seriously weird."

I moaned when I took it in. I was happy that we were where no one could see or hear us. Maybe staying at Driftmark wasn't so bad.



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