Part 11: Name Day Where Innocence Was Lost

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"Laya, don't put my hair in a bun. Just leave it straight."

"This is your thirteenth name day, your majesty. I have to do it according to tradition."

"We can break tradition, Laya."

"I'm not sure if I'll be alive until evening, princess, if I do as you say."

I squinted at her warning. Laya gathered my gold and silver hair and made a bun with mixed braids. She put a black hood on my head. I wore my red dress. She had a tight bodice that left my shoulders open. My father's dragon Caraxes was embroidered on the collar. There were black patterns on my skirts. As jewelry, I wore the necklace my father gave me on my eighth name day. It was made of Valyrian steel and was set with a red ruby. My earrings matched well with it.

While Laya was examining her masterpiece, the doorbell rang. Entering was Sir Joffrey. After greeting:

"Princess, your presence is requested in the Ballroom."

"I'm coming."

The thirteenth birthday was considered an important event. It was the day a man came of age, and the day a woman was sold like a breeding sheep. But tonight I was determined not to be sold. There were things I would do to annoy every lord.

When I came in, Sir Redwyne said:

"Visenya Targaryen, second daughter of former Dragonstone Prince Aemon Targaryen, granddaughter of Protector of the Realm."

I walked towards my grandfather as everyone bowed respectfully. Ignoring stares was the easiest thing to do. When I finally got to him, I'm making curtsy. My grandfather:

"You can get up, Visenya."

He looked at me for a while. My grandfather had collapsed in last few years. He was now sixty-one years old and his youthful spirit was completely gone. I was sure that the end of everything was near. He was thinking same thing.

My grandfather:

"Happy thirteenth name day. Your first gift from me as your king and grandfather."

Sir Redwyne brought a wooden box. When I opened the box, my eyes fell in awe. It was a cloak. It was a black cloak that was the color of my house. But the embroideries on it were not red. The three-headed dragon emblem was made in gold. My grandfather:

"Celebrations can begin."

They began to congratulate me as the box was removed. First my uncle Baelon congratulated me, then Viserys and Aemma. Aemma was glowing with happiness with her pregnant belly. Since Daemon wasn't around, it was my aunt Maegelle's turn, who was a Silent Sister. I last saw her at my sister's wedding. During this time she had aged greatly. The reason she came here was to reconcile my grandparents for the second time. And it succeeded.

Later, my uncle, maester Vaegon, congratulated me. Uncle Vaegon:

"My favorite niece. Happy name day."

"Thank you uncle. I wish you don't stay in Old Town. I feel your absence here."

"You can always come to Old Town. I want you to know that."


As my uncle Vaegon walked away, my aunt Gael followed him. She reluctantly congratulated and then disappeared into the hall. But everyone was shocked when the door opened for unexpected guests. It was disrespectful. You couldn't go in after the King.

My sister Rhaenys stood at door with her husband, Lord Corlys. In her lap was her one-year-old son, Laenor, and her three-year-old daughter, Laena, holding her hand. Behind her was our mother, Jocelyn. The court began to whisper as she came towards me. The king was looking at them with an unreadable expression.

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