Part 26: Back to North

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Cannibal danced among North winds he longed for

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Cannibal danced among North winds he longed for. The locals came out as they toured around Winterfell. After news of victory reached them, I planned to go straight home. I missed my children so much in three years.

I lowered Cannibal into its pit. I took off my helmet as people ran towards me. My two older children were running ahead. I hugged them tightly when they jumped on me. Two of them had changed drastically in the three years, I hadn't seen them.

Lady Minisa Dustin came to me with her daughter Catelyn and a boy holding her hand. Minisa:

"Bran, She's your mother Visenya."

The boy looked at me. Maybe it upset him that I left him. I couldn't be a mother to him. He ran up to me and hugged me. I am with my three children. As I inhale their scent, Minisa:

"Lord Rickon awaits you in the Throne room, my lady."

I nodded. I gave my helmet to Sir Joffrey and held Bran in my arms. I smiled at the crowd as they greeted their lady. I may not have been here for a long time, but I brought them victory.

When I entered the Throne room, Rickon was sitting on his throne. Everyone bowed when he stood up. He was greeting me. Rickon gently kissed my forehead. This increased the guilt I carried inside me. Rickon:

"Rise up and begin to celebrate the victory brought by your Lady Visenya Stark."

I took my place at long banquet table. My children refused to leave my side for a second while the lords congratulated me. Daenerys told me everything she did. She had learned to use a sword, visited the Driftmark, made progress with Valerier. I was proud of her with all my heart. But I thought of Daemon's words.

"My daughter should know her real father."

I threw that aside and went back to my son. Cregan talked about hunting with his father, how he flew with Ice. Rickon taught our son to shoot arrows. He would become the future lord of Winterfell. He learned the lessons of politics in the best way.

Bran sat shyly on my lap the entire feast. When I asked him about dragon egg, he said it didn't hatch. I patted his head sadly. But I smiled when he said he had adopted a direwolf. Mixing her blonde hair:

"I'm proud of you son. I'm sure you'll be a strong hunter like your father."

"Mother, why did you go to war?"

Bran's question brought tears to my eyes. Rickon:

"We talked about it, Bran. Your mother fulfilled her responsibilities. Like I said, every Stark keeps his word."

"Your father is right son. House Velaryon is my cousin and I had to help them. But it pained me to miss my little baby growing up. But we'll close the distance. Don't worry."

In evening, after the feast, I put my children to bed one by one. Rickon was waiting for me when I put on my nightgown and went to our room. Those three years had hardened him, like me. His face was sunken and his muscles were starting to fade. Rickon:

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