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"Grandpa, you always said you'd tell me why I was named Visenya? Why don't you tell me?"

"I'm not sure if I want my little dragon to know?"

"But you promised."

King Baelon smiled at his granddaughter:

"I'll tell you everything. The life story of my mom, Visenya Targaryen. But I want you to promise me, little dragon."


"The story I'm about to tell is full of mistakes. With mistakes that make some truths fade. Promise me. You won't make these mistakes."

"I am Visenya Targaryen. I swear on my dragon."

"Then let me tell you the story of my mom. The story of the most beautiful warrior and queen the whole Realm has ever seen. The story of Visenya Targaryen, the granddaughter of King Jaehaerys."

Baelon Targaryen put his granddaughter on his knee and began to tell the whole story.



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