Part 2: Darksister

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(Prince Aemon Targaryen and Jocelyn Baratheon)

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(Prince Aemon Targaryen and Jocelyn Baratheon)

(The italics are high valyrian)

After wedding, my sister sailed with her husband to Driftmark, where she became her Lady. I hid my tears before she left. After she left, I just cried. I missed her even before the ship disappeared on the horizon.

I felt alone now. I spent most of my days with Aemma at first. But when she returned to the Vale with her father, I was left alone. In the days after that, I avoided my septa. This filled my mother with anger after a while.

One of those boring days, I was sitting in gardens, on the grass. I had nothing to do today as the sun was slowly reaching its peak. I was sitting in my red dress, which is color of my house. I was just enjoying this silence. I looked up when I heard footsteps approaching behind me. My father and his sworn guard, Harrold Westerling, were coming towards me. Sir Westerling took a step back. We looked at each other for a while when my father came over to me. As he sat next to me he immediately began to speak:

"Tell me, why is your mother so angry?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because, from what I've heard, you're the reason."

"Not at all."

My father put his arm around me. In a soft voice:

"I know you miss Rhaenys. I miss her too, and I'm sure she'll be back soon."


"I share your anger and sadness, Visenya. But never let it hurt yourself. Study hard in your studies. Rhaenys wants you to do that."

"I don't want to get married, Dad. I don't want to leave you and my family."

"Sometimes we have duties to our family, Visenya. We have to fulfill them. Besides, I promised you. You'll never marry someone you don't love."

"Thanks dad."

"Come on, your grandfather is waiting for us. He began to complain often that you had not visited him in a long time."

We got up and left gardens. Sir Westerling was following us a few steps behind us. When we finally arrived at the King's suites, we went inside. My grandfather was sitting in his armchair. The fireplace wasn't burning much. We bow to King. While my father was sitting in seat across from me, I went to my grandfather. My grandfather:

"Visenya, you no longer visit me."

"Last time we met before wedding, Grandpa. There's only wedding in between."

"I know. But I miss you reading to me."

"Grandpa, why am I always reading stories. Please tell me this afternoon."

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