Part 15: The Tournament

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"You don't have to do this, Visenya

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"You don't have to do this, Visenya."

"You were supposed to say that last night before supporting my grandmother at banquet, Rhaenys. Get out now."

I was sitting in a tent. My hair was tightly braided. I was wearing black Targaryen armor. Sigligon, my sword, which I received as a gift on eighth name day, was on my waist. I wanted to win. I might not have won, but I wanted to do something good.

When my tent opened, I saw Daemon sharing same armor as me. His eyes lingered on me for a few seconds. Daemon:

"I didn't think the armor would fit perfectly."


"Don't make it so obvious that you're scared, Visenya."

"Not to be afraid is a mistake only for fools, cousin."

"I didn't say don't be afraid. I said don't show it. Your opponent always enjoys it."

"Pray to the fourteen fires, cousin. Let's not be rivals."

"No need. I enjoy everything I do with you, cousin."

The words rolled lustfully from his mouth. He caressed my cheek with delight and brought me closer to him. I haven't felt this feeling in a long time. It was same feelings as three years ago. I wanted to kiss him. Burning in all that fire.

When I opened my eyes, he was looking serious. Daemon:

"I think of you every night. I dream of you, Visenya."

"That's not true, Daemon. Please..."

"I love it when you beg me."

He was just playing with me. I stepped back and in a harsh tone:

"Go away, cousin. Now."

Daemon left tent with little glimmers of victory. But he looked at Aethan who had entered and frowned. Aethan:

"Visenya, I came to look at your armor."

"Sit perfectly, no problem."

"I have to tell you something."

"I am listening."

"Lord Corlys has arranged a match for me. With a lady of House Frey."

"You didn't have to go that far North."

"I wanted you to know."

"Happiness, Ethan."

He looked at me for a short while and walked out. I didn't feel love towards him. But I valued it. He was a good person. It wasn't as complicated as Daemon, nor was it forcing me. His lust was not burning, but extinguishing like water. Oh that was really weird.

When I got to the arena, I mounted my horse. I ignored the whispers of the audience, the other lords. There were many lords among those who joined the fight like me. Daemon was perhaps the only one who saw me as a serious competitor while they all looked at me with scorn.

It would be with a knight from the first house Lannister. I donned my black helmet and took my spear. The knight opposite me looked at me with pity. He thought I was easy for him. But he had never once seen me work.

I whipped my horse when the whistle blew. I aimed my spear at his arm as we both ran. I bowed my head as we came face to face. While he missed, I managed to hit him. While he was losing his balance, I bought a new spear. He hastily bought a new one. This time my target was his face. While he missed again, I managed to hit. He fell off his horse. The audience was astonished. I smiled when the flood of applause broke.

I proceeded to the royal lodge. I would ask favors over tradition. Smiling:

"My cousin Princess Aemma. I need your luck."

Aemma smiled and stood up. As you lay your wreath on my spear:

"Good luck, cousin. I'm sure you'll be a warrior like your name."

She winked at me. I smiled and waited for my next duel. My next duel was with Rickon Stark. The two of us broke spears three times each. It was he who finally fell off the horse. And he drew a sword. I jumped off my horse and pulled out Sigligon. My sword duel with him was long. Neither of us had the upper hand. But I finally saw the clearing. I grabbed her with my leg and pressed my sword to her neck. He was trying to get up as we both fell to the ground. Breathless:

"Give up, Stark. It's an honor to be defeated by a Targaryen."

"Stark never gives up, Targaryen."

He grabbed my arm and, with a war cry, knocked me to the ground over his head. With a groan coming out of my mouth, Rickon:

"Winter is coming, princess."

"Not yet, Stark."

I made the move I learned at Driftmark on him. I turned on the ground and kicked between the legs. And I plunged my sword into his buttocks. I drew the sword as he fell to the ground. I screamed in triumph and raised my sword.

The people were shouting for joy and celebrating my victory. Stark smiled at me as he was carried on the stretcher. Maybe he was happy to be defeated. When I looked up, my grandmother was proudly looking at me. Rhaenys had the same expression. My grandfather gave a small smile.

My next opponent was Sir Westerling. I lost the semi-final challenge to him. But I was never ashamed of it. He was one of the King's guards. It is always a great honor to be defeated by them.

I went to the box to watch the final of the tournament from the balcony. Daemon, who lost the semi-final fight like me, also came. The final was between Sir Westerling and Ser Redwyne. The struggle was equal. The two of them broke a total of sixty spears. The superiority never passed to one. my grandfather:

"Stop the tournament."

The two knights stopped. The people began to look intently at their King. my grandfather:

"I declare you two co-champions. You honored me with such a successful duel in my fiftieth year of reign."

The two knights knelt. I smiled. Both had done everything they had to do.

Daemon sitting next to me:

"It's a shame we can't duel, Visenya."

"It is. I was looking forward to killing you."

"kinship murder is bad luck."

"I'm sure the gods would forgive me."

I got up and made my way to my room. It had been a grueling celebration. And too much.



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