Part 24: Set Sail for a New Adventure

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"You must be mad, Visenya. I can't let you go to war."

"Corlys and my cousin need me there. I'm tired of sitting here idly."

"What about our children? What about one-year-old Bran."

"They are children of the North. They'll stay here and continue to grow."

"I won't let that happen. As your husband, I order you to stay here."

"You can't give me orders, Rickon Stark. I'm a Targaryen."

"If you go, I can't promise to stay true to our wedding vows."

"I never asked you for that."

My words hurt him. He looked at Bran's crib and left room. I looked at my reflection in mirror. I couldn't stay here any longer. I had to go and fight now. It was the only thing I could do.

I held Bran in the crib and looked at my son. His blond Targaryen hair and gray eyes were a perfect mix. I was lucky that the gods heard my wishes. Bran was a baby, which stopped the heavy rumors from starting.

I left him in the crib and went to our dragon pit. It was a wedding gift given to me by my late husband's father. Three dragons have been here so far. My dragon Cannibal, Daenerys' dragon Valerier, and Cregan's dragon Ice were here. Valerier was Syrax's egg and Viserys had given it as a gift. Ice was Meleys' egg and was gifted by Rhaenys.

Valerier had gold scales like Syrax. The red streaks scattered on her wings made him dance like fire. But not as calm as Syrax. She carried Daenerys' fire.

Ice was red like Meleys. There was a single line of gold on his face. Even though he was still young, he had a different bond with Cregan. Ice usually liked to ride on Cregan's right shoulder. He wasn't overly excited like Valerier.

Bran's egg was still in its cradle and didn't hatch. This was perfectly normal. Dragon or not, half fire was running through his veins. And he could certainly claim a dragon one day.

Daenerys was here when I went down to the pit. She was sitting with Valerier. When I come to them:

"What are you doing here, young lady?"

"I'm spending time with Valerier. The guards said I should bond with her."

"What happened to your sewing class?"

"Catelyn works great for me."

"I know all that stuff sounds boring to you. But you have to know. I learned it."

"When will you let me ride Valerier?"

"Not yet. It's too cold for her here. She should be comfortable in the pits."

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