Chapter 1

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*Aubrey's POV*

I sat in my new room staring at the gifts from my mother, it was a bag filled to the brim; from paints to pens to watercolours and pencils of all shades, brushes of  different shapes and sizes and finally a single canvas a rather expensive one at that.

I felt the inspiration bubbling inside of me but the problem was even with all that inspiration, I couldn't find a way to get a single colour unto the canvas, it went on for days until I had enough and decided to go to bed before I began to mentally and physically prepare myself for school.

I stared at the pure white interwoven threads set on a board with my old faded dungarees with smudges of paint here and there.

I took a final look around my room as it still held some of the past owners things that seemed.......rather old so to speak, I can't judge I think while laying back and blowing out the candle set at my bed side drawer.

Staring at the ceiling while listening to the little drops of water coming from the rusted taps in the room and the continuous taps on the window seal by the trees as the soft breeze tickled them graciously, my eyes started to get much heavier so I let go of the weights it bared.


I sat in my bed staring at my supposed "blank" canvas with the painting of a girl, her head dipped into a body of discoloured water she looked like she had put up a struggle, fear captured in her eyes,mouth wide open and her hand gripping unto what seems to be the asserted grip of the assaulter, she had a cut on her forehead and a bruise on lower lip.

It was like the painter was depicting something in reality like he or she lived through that moment capturing the emotions with mere strokes of paint like the wand to its wizard I thought.

I began to frantically search for the name signed to the painting after searching for a good amount of time until I gave up.

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