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"They were right. I don't know what drug I took back in high school to make me think such crazy things."

"Holy shit they're gone!" Cassie exclaimed as the two girls inside the room in front of them had now disappeared with a bright light. It was too bright as the soldier and scientist had to cover their eyes to prevent themselves from being blinded.

Cassie had her doubts about this machine. She mentally prepared herself to see two dead bodies in front of her. She was just lucky there wasn't.

"How do we know you didn't just kill them and the machine brought them to the past?"

Cassie chuckled nervously. "How do we?" She smiled awkwardly and sighed. "I didn't plan that far."

"Shit.." Adam said rubbing his face with his hand. "And what will happen if your boss finds out? You're not even supposed to be working on the Time Machine." Adam said, slightly panicked. "That reminds me I've got to get back before my boss realizes I'm gone." Adam said emphasizing the "my."

Cassie and Adam do military work, state work, government work, whatever. They do very important things for very important people and if they're being quite honest they love their job. It's not all secrets and working 24/7. They have friends and they smile every day, they're excited to wake up and go to work every once in a while. They loved it. But Cassie and Adam had a bond. Ever since they met.

"Ok..well, Uhm, here let me see if. Holy shit how are we gonna find out if I didn't just kill them?" Cassie panicked as she sat at her desk. She was planning on doing something on her computer but what? It was getting real now as she realized that she might've just killed two girls who just wanted money. Not like they were gonna give it to them. But still.

"Ok. Well first of all let's work with what we have. We know the machine worked on an egg but we never brought it back. So let's test it again. But this time we'll bring the object back. Get the machine!" Cassie yelled, quietly as she prepped around to make sure it was a nice environment for testing.

Adam rolled his eyes at Cassie's bossy attitude and reluctantly went to retrieve the machine. But he paused in his tracks as he saw it was no longer there anymore. "Oh shit Cass we got bigger problems." He said airily as his eyes widened and he turned to her.

"Please Cass for the life of me tell me you had blueprints for that machine."

"Well of course not. I'm not gonna copy a machine I had my doubts of. First, if it didn't work I've got blueprints for something that kills people or something that's absolutely fucking useless." Cassie shrugged fixing her glasses and sitting back down on her seat. "Anyway, what does it matter?"

"The machines gone too."

A/N: sry i'm like making you wait for the real story to begin😭 just figured i'd make this chapter.

𝐓ɦ𝖾 𝗒𝖾α𝗋 ⱺ𝖿 1965 | 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝚰𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝚰𝐂Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant