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                  things truly begin

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                  things truly begin.

June 28, 2023.

Accidents happen all the time. Whether it was good or not. For example, if someone accidentally fell in front of someone they could've met their future spouse. Or in this case, Juliette managed to fuck up by sending military people some geeky girl response. Oh, how fun.

For the next few days, everything was going as it should. Juliette or Evelyn didn't get any calls from unknown people or in some cases it says no caller ID. They went to work normally with no disruptions and so on.

So with that being said Evelyn continued her shift. It was almost her lunch break which means she has all the time to eat the junk she packed and stalk people. One of her many habits. She was just finishing up an order when she felt a buzz in the bottom pocket. Signaling that she had a notification.

She sighed as she felt it buzz again. Even if the phone was on silent it still made so much noise. She didn't who it was either. Juliette knows she's not allowed to text Evelyn during work. It just made her more frustrated as the unknown person trying to contact her didn't seem to take the hint. So with that in mind, she washed up her hands and turned to her coworker. Ariana.

Ariana was a good friend of Evelyn. They meet at school and when Evelyn came to apply for the job Ariana was more than willing to interview her and give her pointers. Ariana wasn't that popular but she knew a lot.

"Hey Ariana, you think you could cover my shift real quick someone's trying to contact me. It seems pretty important." She said taking her phone from her apron and showing it to Ariana. Ariana just smiled in response. "Yeah, I got you."

Evelyn thanked her and walked to the back of her workplace. She checked her phone and most of them had been from Juliette. She sighed and scrolled through the screen reading every single one. Most being about her crush she had on this boy named Chris. They meet in their sophomore year of high school and Juliette fell real hard Evelyn almost prayed she never met him at all. Most had been about Chris. He met Juliette after he 'accidentally' bumped into her. I still can't tell if he does like her or if she's a bet. My trust issues are a bit too high.

Her thoughts halted when she found the very first text she had gotten. Her face showed a weary expression as she read the text but she had to click on it to read the entire thing. The text read,

"It's ok to be nervous. Just don't say that ever again. If you and your little friend are willing to join here's the address. Be here as early as you can and make it before July. Don't make us wait." It ended ominously. It had the coordinates in a separate text and Evelyn tried to memorize it.

The first thing she did was tell Jules. And the moment Juliette got the text she forgot all about the conversation she was having with Chris as her smile fell.

"Hey, something wrong?" Chris frowned. He really liked this girl and usually, when a girl stops smiling it's a sign. He just doesn't know what.

Juliette looked up at Chris and said, "Uhm everything's there's just this emergency going on with my friend." Chris' instantly sighed in relief. He knew all about the friend she was talking about. Sometimes he even swore she stalked him. But it doesn't matter she knew how important Evelyn was to the girl in front of her.

He sighed but eventually he said, "Hey we can meet up another time I know how important she is to you." He smiled at the end. Juliette could swear she felt weak in the knees. Whether it was his tone, his choice of words, or that damn smile that gave her butterflies every time she saw it.

"Thank you so much, Chris! I'll see you later. Bye!" Juliette said and without thinking she kissed his cheek and dipped. If she would've stayed Chris would've kissed her back.

Evelyn and Juliette decided to meet up back home. Evelyn called it a day at work and Juliette ran out early on her not official date.

They sighed as they simultaneously sat down on their couch. Multiple thoughts ran through their heads.

Can we really win a million bucks?

I just left my date with Chris! And kissed him!

I'm liking this money idea.

Oh, I wonder what the project is going to be.

"Well we are freaking out over nothing Jules so tell me should we go tomorrow or what?" Evelyn said once her thoughts were going downhill and she started overthinking. It was a habit of hers. The way she grew up she was trained to see the world in such a pessimistic way.

"Well, we don't have any plans tomorrow, right? I mean they said before July and it's getting close. Plus it's a million dollars we're talking about. I don't want to lose this opportunity." Juliette finished with a shaky breath. It didn't feel right to her. Like it was some huge scam. She was scared of this outcome and a million dollars was a lot. What were they planning to do with her and Evelyn?

Evelyn being her best friend noticed the actions his body was displaying. The way her fingers played with each other, her eyes moving side to side, the little shaky breath that came with her previous statement.

"Hey let's check this place out so we know what we are dealing with! Yeah, that'll calm your nerves, c'mon!" Evelyn exclaimed overly excited. But Juliette just smiled and nodded. She knew what she was trying to do and it was working. Everything will be okay if they just stick together.

Later that evening Evelyn and Juliette found themselves in front of a building near the city. It was pretty big and almost took an entire square block but its height is what stood out. They were settled in Juliette's car and both nervously tapped their fingers on any part of the car. "Seems pretty trustworthy." Juliette shrugged. And all of a sudden the roles were reversed. Now it was Evelyn being the paranoid freak and Jules being the calm one in the situation.

"Okay that settles it we'll come here tomorrow at around 11:30. Sound good?" Juliette looked at Evelyn in the passenger seat with a small smile on her face.

"That kinda looks like the building from ninja turtles the live-action." Evelyn squinted her eyes. "I don't trust it."

A/N: finished editing and rewriting chapters 2,3, and four on July 16, 2023, <3

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