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                     soda pops gang

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soda pops gang.

There are people you'll meet in the world. Whether they'll be a friend, a crush, a partner, a teammate, and more. The only ones that matter are the ones who stick with you the longest. The ones who'll be there for you when no one else will. It's the best feeling knowing you've got a friend group that'll last forever. A friend group that you share the best laughs with.

"Sodapop what's all the ruckus about what're you doing up so-" But Darry was interrupted when he saw two girls in the kitchen one at his stove and the other at the table eating with a pancake shoved in her mouth. "Oh. I didn't realize we had guests over." He said and Evelyn smiled brokenly while Juliette just blushed and turned around swallowing her food.

"Hey.. sorry to intrude like this, uh, Soda said it was ok." Evelyn smiled sheepishly. Darry just shook his head and waved his hand. "It's fine. I see you made breakfast.." He stared at all the food. He would be lying if he said his mouth didn't water right then and there. He was a big man and needed the food he just didn't have enough energy to make it in the morning.

She smiled. "I hope you don't mind." Darry just chuckled. "You kidding? In another reality, I'd probably be on my knees thanking you." He said his accent becoming more clear. Juliette frowned but shrugged, while Evelyn chuckled awkwardly. And as Darry got situated another boy came from the hallway.

"Aw, geez." Juliette sighed. Another boy with brown hair entered once again looking like he had just woken up in a shirt and his underpants not yet noticing the two unfamiliar girls. "Darry did you make breakfast-" He stopped his comment when he saw the two girls one was giggling with food in their mouth and the other covered her mouth putting down the spatula and looking away, slightly giggling.

He turned as red as a tomato and headed back for his room getting changed. Sodapop giggled and Darry slightly chuckled. "Hey, who was that?" Juliette asked on the verge of tears trying to hold back in her laughter. "Our kid brother," Sodapop said laughing and grabbing a plate serving himself eggs, bacon, and two pancakes.

Juliette frowned, "kid brother?" She asked mouth full of food. Evelyn hit her on the back of her head sitting herself down next to her as Jules' disrespectful manners continued. Darry widened his eyes at the action but decided to not mention anything about it and get ready for a long day of work. Women nowadays don't act like that to each other.

"Yeah, our younger brother," Sodapop said and shoved food in his mouth following Juliette's action. The two girls nodded in understanding. "His name is Ponyboy, he's fourteen and why are these eggs so good?" He questioned himself. Evelyn chuckled. "I seasoned them, duh."

Ponyboy came into the kitchen a few minutes later. He clears his throat, "Who made all this breakfast?" He asked. And served himself some officially in clothing and was ready for the day. "Uhm, I did I'm Evelyn." She smiled. He just nodded and sat down eating food.

She chuckled as she saw the house owners eating her food. "Mm. These eggs might be better than Darry's." Ponyboy sighed and shoved food in his mouth. Evelyn frowned. "Does he not season them?" She chuckled and looked at Evelyn who was eating like a pig.

"Que idiota comiendo como un puto cerdo." Evelyn chuckled and got up from her seat going to the couch. "Shut up! I'm hungry." Juliette defended herself as the two boys looked at each other. "I understood idiot..." Pony spoke up.

( translation: what an idiot eating like a fucking pig.)

"Hey! Two's in the house." A boy yelled coming in with another boy that had the same shirt Sodapop has on. "Hey, who are these girls?" Twobit asked and sat down next to Evelyn placing his arm around her shoulders and winking at her. Juliette was just disgusted and Evelyn looked mad. And all it took was one whiff of his breath to find out why he didn't remember them.

"Ew. Bruh the fuck are you doing drinking at eight?" Evelyn exclaimed pushing him off of her and standing up. Everyone else but Jules gave her a look. "Evelyn, what does 'bruh' mean?" Ponyboy asked halting his eating. Juliette widened her eyes as she met Evelyn's. Evelyn just looked away.
"I didn't say that. I'm using the restroom." She stuttered and walked away. Jules just sighed. "I think I ate too much." Juliette held her stomach as Two-Bit winked at her and Jules rolled her eyes.

Evelyn came out of the restroom after a little and looked at Jules. Jules looked dead as she was gripping her stomach and putting her head in her hand. "Ate too much?" She asked her best friend.

"Shut up..."

Then she looked around Darry was back in the room and Soda was on the couch with Two-Bit watching TV and the other boy was stuffing food in his mouth. There was a knocking on the door and Darry sighed.

"Johnny you're always welcome and the door is always open," Darry shouted as Evelyn took a seat at the dining table. She watched as a timid boy came in. Evelyn was around the same height although he was taller and Juliette was just above him.

"Sorry, I saw you had guest over and, Uhm, yeah." Johnny awkwardly answered him as he stepped inside and rubbed his neck. Juliette smiled and waved at the boy. He was smaller and had this lost look in his eye. It made him look vulnerable and young. Evelyn just sighed and put her head down. Johnny waved back awkwardly.

It wasn't very long before the door slammed open. "Darry! I did something wrong." An older boy came in. Evelyn, Johnny, and Jules flinched as the door slammed open. "Hey watch it." The boy in front of the two girls chuckled. His name was Steve. It said so on his shirt. "That door won't do nothin' to you." He teased and greeted the man who slammed the door. Evelyn squinted her eyes at him and muttered, "bitch."

𝐓ɦ𝖾 𝗒𝖾α𝗋 ⱺ𝖿 1965 | 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝚰𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝚰𝐂Where stories live. Discover now