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the drive-in experience and the calm before the storm

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the drive-in experience and the calm before the storm.

Dallas went on and on with his endless teasing never knowing when to shut up. It's crazy to see that back then boys had every right to do whatever they wanted or they thought they did. Here you're always seeing a 'blade' fight or watching someone beat up another kid for no reason, seeing people steal like it was nothing, smoking like it was the apocalypse.

The two girls just admired it. It's not like they'd supported it but watching the way our world changed was so fascinating to them. Like the cars, the laws, the prices, the people. Sometimes they do wish they could stay here forever they knew they couldn't though. They had to get home.

"Take your feet off my chair and shut your trap," Cherry said in a thick accent, turning around in her seat to face Dally with a cold glare.

"Who's gonna make me?" Dallas smirked giggling slightly.

"Does it make your dick hard to know how irritated girls are by you?" Evelyn asked out of nowhere. And for a second it seemed like everyone just quieted down. She didn't care, though, she hated how long Cherry waited to defend herself. Even now, Evelyn doubts she'll do something but at least she was there to help her somewhat. Her comment may not have been appropriate but at least it shut Dally up.

"What the fuck, Evelyn." Ponyboy sighed with a blush on his face as he sunk into his seat. Now it wasn't Dally he always needed to worry about. It was her. Evelyn. The girl saying the most out-of-pocket things.

Dallas paused for a moment to look at Evelyn with a confused, irritated face. "First of all, kid you aren't allowed to say that word." He scolded Ponyboy. "Second, what the fuck did you say to me?" He asked Evelyn.

"Man fuck this, shit," Dallas said getting up to leave as he saw the two soc girls in front of him giggling.

"You idiot." Juliette scolded as she watched Dallas leave. "I didn't say anything." Evelyn defended herself. She crossed her arms with a frown on her face.

"You asked him if his dick gets hard knowing how irritated girls get by him."

"Nothing too bad."

Everyone just continued watching the movie as normal. The 'greasers' talked here and there but they kept their eyes and minds on the movie. Well, that was until Dallas got back, a smirk on his face and a bunch of food and drinks in his hand.

He handed coke and popcorn to the people he came with and sat next to Cherry.

"This might cool you off." He said giving her and her friend, Marcia, a coke. Cherry looked absolutely astonished that he was still trying to mess with her.

"That might cool you off, greaser. After you wash your mouth and learn to talk and act decent, I might cool off, too."
Dallas was pretty shocked but smirked wildly as he wiped the soda off his face.
"Fiery, huh? Well, that's the way I like 'em." Dallas began to try and get on her putting his arm around her as he tried to pull her close. Cherry resisting all she can but it want helping much. Although, thanks to Johnny she didn't have to as he reached over and prevented Dal from doing anything else.

"Leave her alone, Dally." Johnny sternly said. There was a hint of nervousness in his voice but it was evident he wasn't backing down.

"Huh?" Dallas asked, flabbergasted.

In the short amount of time the girls have been here they know that no one ever talks back to Dallas Winston. Especially Johnny. Johnny couldn't open his mouth for the life of it.

"He said leave her alone." Evelyn giggled and Dallas snapped his head towards her his face telling her to shut up. Which she did and cleared her throat.

For a second Dally didn't do anything. He just stood still looking at Johnny with a furious look on his face. He slowly got up ridding himself of the soda Cherry had thrown all over him. Once he left the tension in the air had finally gone. Ponyboy fixed his posture and untensed, Johnny was now relaxed as Dallas hadn't done much to him, and the girl's guilty feelings left.

"Thanks. He had me scared to death." Cherry sighed placing a hand over her chest to calm her beating heart. " You sure didn't show it. Nobody talks to Dally like that." Johnny said. "From what I saw you do." Cherry gave Johnny a warm smile.

Evelyn frowned. She remembered Cherry. From the movie and when they first got here. She and her friend Marcia were the ones who took them dress and skirt shopping. Watching the movie, all she could think about was how Cherry was leading Pony on the entire first part of the movie, ditching her boyfriend, then telling him she'd have a high chance of falling in love with one of his closest friends. Granted, he didn't like Dallas as much as he leads on but still.

"Y'all sit up here with us. You can protect us." Marcia said as she turned to look at the four people behind her. But to her, it was just two young grease boys. "Hi!" Juliette blurted out in the midst of drinking her soda. "We're still here." She smiled although it wasn't genuine. Juliette never liked Cherry. After the movie, sure, she was sad but she couldn't help but blame it on Cherry. Whether it was her perfect smile or the fact that she led Ponyboy on with no shame.

"No, we're not." Evelyn mumbled, getting up and dropping her cup on the floor making it spill all over. "oops." She said dragging Juliette away from their seats in the drive-in.

Cherry and Marcia gasped as little droplets of coke splattered on their dresses, faces, and everywhere. Ponyboy frowned. "Evelyn!" He shouted as they were around the concession stand. What was up with her?

"He-Hey just let her be alright? C'mon, let's go sit up with these girls, yeah?" Johnny stuttered but smiled his cheeks burning but you couldn't tell with his tan cheeks. Johnny was one to stutter whether it was a girl or Dallas. 

"Ev, Hey! What was that all about." Jules asked Evelyn as she was being pulled away from what seemed like a fun night. "Actually I should be thanking you. But never mind that what's wrong?" She asked.

Truth was Evelyn didn't know what was wrong. She just knew she wanted to get out of there. It was like a gut instinct. Or jealousy. She didn't like the vibes Cherry gave off.  Marcia was all bubbly with her smile she had that never came off. Cherry on the other hand seemed like she could be a real good friend but she also looks like the type of girl to turn everyone on you in a second.

"Don't know, just wanted to get out of there. Cherry was starting to get to me." Evelyn joked with a smile on her face as she playfully hit Jules.

Juliette knew this wasn't true but getting information out of Evelyn wasn't easy. So she ignored it starting to walk 'home' with Evelyn. At a very slow pace. They were walking like that for a while. Just talking and brainstorming ideas on how to get back home. to get back home.

"How soon do you think we'll be home?" Juliette asked after a moment of silence.

"Hopefully soon," Evelyn answered.


A/N: i hate the fact that my sport is mentally killing me. i also watched You Are So Not Invited to my bat mitzvah finishing this<3

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