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                 an unknown place

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an unknown place

June 26, 1965

Some say the best luck is to die at the right time. Evelyn had no idea where she got that phrase from. All she could really focus on is her breathing. She panted heavily as all the air was knocked out of her when she landed. She's just lucky Juliette packed her inhaler for her.

"Oh, fuck!" She whimpered. Once she tried to sit up. She didn't think the impact was that hard. She fell back on the floor deciding that it felt better than feeling like her rib cage is broken.
"No that's not happening get up, Ev," Juliette said as she saw Evelyn's actions play out. She groaned but complied.

They checked their surroundings and found out they were in the middle of nowhere. It looked pretty bright out and the sun was still shining. At least it was still daytime. They were in a field only carrying grass. The grass looked like it hadn't been cut in ages.

"Jules, do you even know what the fuck happened to us?" Evelyn asked as she was spinning around in circles to see their surroundings "more clearly." She was just making a fool out of herself. Although it did prove to come in handy when she spotted a building.

"Oh! Look there's buildings over there!" Evelyn exclaimed, suddenly feeling dizzy.

Juliette rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "You idiot." She muttered.

They had been walking for a good five minutes before they started to complain. "Ok, this is bullshit. How the fuck did we end up here? Weren't we just in the big city or something." Evelyn said as she crossed her arms a frown residing on her face as she looked down playing with grass.

"Ev it's been three minutes." Juliette scolded. "Ugh, but your right I should have never quit soccer."

They walked for a good ten minutes before they started to see the road and a few passing cars. It confused them a lot once they saw the old-fashioned cars passing on the road. Going so fast some weren't even noticeable. "Jules you see these cars?" Evelyn asked as one passed by them with a couple in front giving them a weird look. "Yeah. Weird right?" Evelyn nodded. And then another ten minutes they finally made it into town.

Walking into town the girls noticed obvious stares right to them. It made them feel weird and more insecure than they already were. Their generation isn't a good one and hopefully, the next one won't be as bad. They kept walking and walking till they saw a Dairy Queen and a bus stop on the street across. They went into the Dairy Queen.

The smell of burgers, fresh fries, and ice cream filled the best friend's noses as they headed inside. "Damn, I am starving." Said Evelyn as she clutched her stomach completely forgetting to look around and sit in a booth. Juliette nodded in response as she took in the oddly looking store. There was a bunch of boys and girls both wearing very old-fashioned clothes with barely half of the girls wearing pants like they're used to. Now most girls had dresses and long skirts that end off right before their ankles. Next was the menus and how the store was set up. The most important was the prices. She was going to say something about it but decided that it was just a really old Dairy Queen. They're just lucky they kept their prices.

30¢ for a cup of ice cream?

Juliette frowned but she followed Evelyn without saying a thing. They sat down and looked out the window. Evelyn brought out her phone and tried to play the games on it but failed as the wifi was terrible. Or wasn't there? She looked up at Juliette watching as she put her hand under her chin and admired whatever was outside. Evelyn could read her like a book.

"You're thinking about Chris aren't you?" Evelyn whispered loud enough so Jules could hear from across the table. She didn't flinch or move from her spot she just sighed and directed her pupils to Evelyn. "I hate it when you do that you know," Jules muttered rolling her eyes, leaning in her seat, and crossing her arms. A waitress came took their orders and left with a sour face. She looked both of them up and down and Evelyn tried so hard not to through hands.

I don't even know you!

Couple minutes later they were eating and enjoying their food. And eventually got to their ice cream. "I'm stuffed," Evelyn said. She placed her cup down and looked at Juliette. "Hurry up you slow eater!" Evelyn threw a napkin at her. She got in a few giggles as Juliette grimaced but it quickly went away once she saw a man approaching Juliette and leaned in her ear. They both tensed with the new presence.

"Well, ain't you two just the finest pair of greasers I've laid my eyes on." He smirked. Juliette looked at him up and down. Evelyn laughed when she saw Mickey Mouse just lying on his shirt. He had that on a gray shirt a pair of jeans and some form of cowboy boots.

He looked at her and his smile slightly faltered but it came back up again. "Something on my face, sweetheart?" Evelyn stopped and blushed. Not even her parents called her that. She cleared her throat and said, "No it's just, uhm, I- uh never mind." She muttered. She couldn't make fun of him for that. He was pretty cute.

Juliette cleared her throat and stood up. Slightly pushing the unnamed boy who looked overjoyed to see her up. Jules was a bit taller than him but he didn't seem to mind. Meanwhile, Evelyn is a little smaller than him.
"We'll be on our way," Juliette said and left Evelyn to pay. The boy looked at her and put his hand out. "Keith, call me Two-bit, though, sweetheart," he winked and left. They shook hands and he left to meet up with his friend.

As Evelyn started to leave she was stopped by the same waitress giving them snooty looks. "You! You gonna pay or what?" She asked as she smacked her gum with too much red lipstick on. Evelyn rolled her eyes as she finally realized Juliette's earlier intentions. Evelyn pulled out a twenty-dollar bill and give it to the waitress who seemed to be completely dumbfounded. "Bye!" She said and left. Leaving a very shocked but happy girl.

𝐓ɦ𝖾 𝗒𝖾α𝗋 ⱺ𝖿 1965 | 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝚰𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝚰𝐂Where stories live. Discover now