(Filler chapter can skip.)

                        the victims

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                        the victims

June 20, 2023

"Hey, who are we gonna use to test the machine?" Adam asked exasperated as he followed his best friend into her office. It wasn't too long ago they perfected their machine. Now their head scientist wants them to test it on real human beings. They even alarmed the president or the government. Adam and Callie weren't sure. All they know is that they need to find at least one or two people to use this machine without the public knowing.

Callie chuckled and shook her head.
"I don't know some poor saps we find on the street." She said. She also stopped walking. "Like those drunkos over there." She said as she pointed at two teenage girls just right outside. One was swaying and the other could barely stand laughing their ass off with a beer bottle in hand. 

"How would we know if they are safe though?" Adam asked the shorter girl next to him and crossed his arms as he looked out the window. It was just two young girls walking out in the big city obviously drunk. What has this generation come to?

"Adam it's two teenage girls getting drunk and high off their asses. Do you really think they still have a family to care about or friends for that matter? Look at the dirty looks they give every other teen they pass by." Callie sighed. All she needed to do was get information out of these girls. Adam sighed, "I guess your right. We'll get our computer person to find these people and see if they do have a family or a house for that matter."

"Ok this time it should work!" Callie exclaimed. As she repeated the same process she had been following for the past years. Grab the little headpiece, put the egg in it, and try the machine. This time she put coffee in it. Just like how Adam had knocked her coffee into it the other day. She prayed it worked or she would've cried and gave up. Adam just scoffed. "I believe in you."

Then Callie repeated another process. Put in a date, turn the knobs and hopefully this'll travel the egg back in time. "Ok I put it in for the Fourth of July, 1965." Callie giggled. Adam rolled his eye for the hundredth time that day.





Callie and Adam looked dumbfounded the egg and machine had disappeared. They looked at each other and Callie formed a smile that hadn't appeared on her face in forever. It made Adam feel all warm in inside. "It worked!" Callie jumped.


A/N: filler chapter. Another rewrite for the old chapter 2. Random gif of some of my favorite ppl. <3

𝐓ɦ𝖾 𝗒𝖾α𝗋 ⱺ𝖿 1965 | 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝚰𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝚰𝐂Where stories live. Discover now