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              some of our good times.

July 4, 1965.

"Hey guys! What're you doing!" Darry's big voice shouted, booming throughout the house as Soda hit his head on the drawer and Steve rolled his eyes. "Oh, me and Steve're just making a cake!" Soda smiled rubbing his head slightly.

"Hey, I thought you said we didn't have any eggs?" Juliette directed to Darry who frowned. "I'm pretty positive we don't." He uncrossed his arms as he approached the fridge. "Hey! We've got one more. Where'd this come from?" He frowned. "You girls been grocery shopping?" Darry asked looking at the white, oval-shaped item in his hand.

Evelyn and Juliette looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Huh, wonder who got it. And where it came from." Darry questioned, chucking the egg to his second brother.

"A chicken..."

July 1, 1965.

"Ugh, I don't feel so good been feeling extra drained these past few days," Johnny complained, rubbing his head.

"Real.." Evelyn muttered, only so Juliette could hear. She giggled.

"You should try that candy Evelyns got in her purse. Ate some and I've been feeling good. Euphoric." Steve smiled. At first, Juliette chuckled but Evelyn frowned. "What candy? My purse? What are you doing in my purse?" Evelyn asked frantically getting up to grab her purse resting on the kitchen table. It looked as though someone had eaten some and messed with it.

"When did you eat it, Steve?" Evelyn asked, furious but didn't show it. That was when Juliette's smile fell. Evelyn's special candy.

"Oh, like an hour, two hours." Steve shrugged and checked the time. "Hey, lunch breaks off, gotta go. Tell me where you got that it's giving me really good energy." Steve giggled and left. Evelyn whimpered.

"Oh, he's not gonna get any work done." Juliette snickered.

August 27, 1965.

Johnny sat there. Alone at the lot, smoking and admiring the stars. It absolutely star-struck the girls when they saw how many stars were visible in the night sky. Light pollution really does exist.

"Hey, Johnny. Mind if I sit?" Evelyn asked, lowly as it was late, she was cold, and didn't want to be 'home.'

"Evelyn? What're you doing up?" He widened his eyes. Yet, he still scooted to give up some room for Evelyn. She shrugged, "Couldn't sleep."

"You're shivering." He noted, watching her as she sat down next to him with a smile. Stretching out her skirt. "Is it noticeable?" She sarcastically replied, with clattering teeth. Johnny sighed, but not as reluctantly, and gave up his dirty jean jacket. Evelyn widened her eyes. "You sure? I mean it's pretty cold and I can just go to the Curtis house."

"Take it. You need it more than me." He smiled softly as their eyes stayed glued to theirs for quite a bit. Evelyn cleared her throat. "Thanks." She smiled blushing softly. It was too dark for Johnny to realize and Evelyn never knew how it felt to be blushing.

September 13, 1965.

Juliette sighed as she smiled softly. Evelyn's head was resting on her lap as Evelyn took the rest of the couch. It was the first time Juliette had seen her sleep in a while. The tv quietly playing in the background as the clock hits 3:27. In the morning.

And, at 3:27 in the morning on September 13, the door burst open to reveal Dallas Winston's drunk figure. "Who's awake!" He shouted it wasn't too loud as his words were slurred and he couldn't even think straight.

"Hey, quiet down. Everyone's asleep." Juliette rolled her eyes and slowly stood up softly taking Evelyn's head down on the couch. Dallas frowned. "Oh, you."

"'Oh, me.' Bullshit! You're the drunk one!" Juliette exclaimed, whispering to not wake anyone up.

"How'd you know, sweetheart?" He smirked, flirtatiously, and stumbled on his feet trying to approach her but he failed and fell onto the smaller girl.

"Oof!" Juliette yelped, helping Dallas up. "You couldn't be any more immature for your age." Jules frowned sitting him on a chair in the kitchen and grabbing a cup of water. "You smell like weed." Dallas burped taking the water and drinking it. Jules blushed and Dallas giggled. "Hey, all jokes sweetheart." Dallas winked, while Jules rolled her eyes. "I'm going to bed."

"Take me with you, doll!"

Juliette flipped Dallas off.

September 4, 1965.

"Get off me creep!" Evelyn struggled against the older soc. She was cornered on the way home from school. She was forced to if they wanted to stay. Thanks to Darry.

"C'mon, doll! I'll give you a good time." He smirked moving his hand upward her arm. "Do it and I'll punch the shit out of you!" She whispered menacingly in his face. She could be tough and stand her ground when needed.

"Try me-" Evelyn punched him square in the face.

"Ow!" They both exclaimed at the same time. Evelyn bolted home her hand in pain. She ran into the house and closed the door slightly panting as she held the knob.

"Hey! You good?" Soda asked concerned. She came in running. He's never even seen her speed walk. "I just punched someone." She giggled lightly, sort of scared of her actions.

"Nice!" Dallas giggled and smacked her back lightly, leaving the house to have a smoke. "Soc girl or greaser girl?" Steve asked smirking, eating some cake in his hands.

Evelyn frowned, "Soc boy." She was still slightly panting as she sat down. Out of 16 years of living she'd never punched someone before. At first, she didn't know how to react but she felt genuinely happy. "The asshole deserved it anyway." She thought.

The greaser boys in the room frowned. "Ok, not judging but you're a girl you couldn't have punched some soc boy," Steve claimed and the two girls looked at him with a blank look. His smile slightly faded. "Stop. Stop staring at me like that." He sounded, lightly frightened.

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