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                            the DX

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                            the DX.

June 28, 1965.

Once is a happenstance, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action. It's a famous quote made by Ian Fleming. It's the same quote that popped into Juliette's head when she saw the same boy flirting with her and Evelyn. She had no idea why. English was not her best subject. She remembered something like 'Two- something' she couldn't remember. What she did however was his dirty and what looked once bright yellow shirt with Mickey Mouse on it. It was then brought to her that Disney has been here for a while.

The two best friends were confused and shocked that they had time traveled. Especially around sixty years in the past. No wonder these prices were lower. These girls needed to be more educated.

Now approaching the DX Evelyn had taken Juliette away to hide from the man she so desperately didn't want to see again after their first interaction. "Ugh! He really does like us." Evelyn said rolling her eyes. In reality, she was just fueling her delusional self. It was obvious the Two-Bit figure had moved on and was already flirting with another blonde. Jules rolled her eyes at her. "Let's not be pus-" Juliette widened her eyes before saying it and immediately covered her mouth. Evelyn followed. She knew Juliette didn't like using words like that. From the conditions she grew up in and the fights, her parents had before they died.

Fortunately, Two-Bit left with this overly-cocky-looking dude. He had brown hair, a leather jacket, and some jeans. So the girls were able to go into the DX safe from anyone they know. They acted like they were still in school and how'd they'd react if they saw someone in public. It's a really bad feeling.

"Fuck, these heels are killing me." Juliette giggled at Evelyn's comment. "Heels aren't all that bad."

"You say that now but later when your ankles are dead you'll be saying you were right and I'll say I told you so." Evelyn rolled her eyes. She dislikes heels and anything too feminine. If that makes sense.

They walked into the DX and immediately noticed the change in a gas station in 2023. It seemed smaller and different. You had to pay inside like some in the future but most have their way to pay right then and there. "Look at all these old logos!" Evelyn whispered to Juliette who found herself slightly staring at the cashier? Evelyn frowned. "Hey!" She smacked her friend's arm. "Hey!" She did it again.

She continued until she got her best friend's attention which was after a while when the cashier felt eyes on him. "What? What! What? What! What?" Juliette slightly mimicked her friend. Evelyn frowned. "You're not paying attention to me!" Jules rolled her eyes. "I was looking at the cute guy over there!" She whispered.

And it was true. Evelyn turned her head to look at the man that had caught her friend's attention in a snap. But now she wasn't complaining. He looked around sixteen or seventeen and he looked as though he should be a movie star. Not a gas station worker.

"Damn..." Juliette grimaced at Evelyn's words. "Ugh, you made it weird. What did you want before?" Juliette asked.

"I want a picture of these old logos so I can show some other friends!" Evelyn smiled and pulled her phone out. Juliette widened her eyes and quickly grabbed it putting it down. "Dude! We're in the sixties! You can't just bring your phone out for pictures. At least not in front of others." Juliette whisper shouted in Evelyn's face. From afar they looked like they were up to something.

I'm the end she took seven different pictures. She snickered as she saw Juliette's face. "You mad?" She just rolled her eyes giving her the silent treatment. "Whatever." Evelyn rolled her eyes. She grabbed a couple of drinks and candies for both of them. "One last picture!" She whispered and quickly ran to the back of the store to take a picture. But her flash was on. How? She had no idea.

"Shit..." Evelyn muttered quickly turning it off and putting it away in a pocket that wasn't there resulting in a loud noise against the tile floor. Juliette just rolled her eyes and leaned on the wall near the front of the store. "Idiot.."

"Hey! What was that?" The cashier asked. Evelyn panicked for a second but acted cool. "What was what?" She lied. "The flash and loud bang." Evelyn frowned acting as innocent as.. she couldn't answer that.

"I didn't hear anything. Or see anything." She said.

"Mhm." He nodded and put his lips in a tight line. "You finished?" Evelyn nodded. She went up to him and looked back at Juliette. "Your paying, asshole." She mouthed and stood aside for her. Juliette rolled her eyes but she knew it was right. The boy sighed and said, "Anything else?" Evelyn snickered and Juliette shook her head.


"A pack of cigarettes," Evelyn whispered. The boy looked up. "Uh, sure." He said and walked back toward a shelf and grabbed a pack handing it to her. "Do me a favor and don't tell my boss." He chuckled. "I can't afford to get fired." He said to the girls with a mouth agape. "Wait you're not gonna ask for my ID? Or, uhm, maybe even my age?" Evelyn asked sounding more confused than ever.

He frowned. "I have a girlfriend." Evelyn frowned. That's been going around. "That's not what I mean."

Juliette just rolled her eyes. She was getting fed up with this day and now getting cranky as night was approaching. She just placed a ten-dollar bill down and he looked up at the boy and then his name tag. 'Sodapop.' It read. She's heard that name before.

She grabbed her snacks, her shorter friend's hand, and left. The name in mind. Her friend complained saying profanities like, "Hey! Get your hands off me, stupid." Or "You squishing my hand Jules, bitch," Jules just rolled her eyes.

A/N: yeah it's been a while and just found a Daniel LaRusso fic in my notes 😭. And just heard a rumor that Matt Dillon died 😊👍

𝐓ɦ𝖾 𝗒𝖾α𝗋 ⱺ𝖿 1965 | 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝚰𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝚰𝐂Where stories live. Discover now