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                    the backstory.

June 29, 2023

You know bebop and rocksteady? From ninja turtles. Evelyn could swear she felt exactly like them. She was going into some really tall science building with her best friend by order of the military. This was fun.

The two best friends walked into the very tall building not expecting much to happen. From the outside it looked like they were gonna be safe. Of course they were still a bit skeptical of this whole fiasco. It's not everyday the state sends note to two girls with bad pasts. Even if they did why them?

The inside was pearly white. It had marble floors and scattered were couches, chairs, coffee tables, and a table serving coffee with coffee makers, cups, straws and everything else.

This was only the lobby?

Juliette tugged on Evelyn's white sweater as she was distracted looking around at the very fancy place. As they got closer to receptionist was it then Juliette had realized that they didn't even alert those who texted them they were coming on this specific day.

"Hey, sorry we don't have an appointment but can you-" Juliette was interrupted by the receptionist. She looked real bitchy to them and the smile she put on her face when she saw the two girls only proved to Evelyn that was she was a fake bitch.

"Double doors on your right, third door to the left." The girl exclaimed ecstatic. The rumors were true. Two young petite girls had signed up for something that could possibly change the world.

The best friends gave each other a side glance but shrugged this lady off. I mean this was some building working with the government. Of course they would know exactly what they looked like and when they were coming. They probably were even tracking them. Evelyn patted herself down quietly and quickly when the receptionist looked down.

"Thanks, I guess." Evelyn frowned. They headed off to the directions the girl had told them to go. And there stood a man eating what looked to be a biscuit. He was looking around with tense shoulders as if waiting for someone. Once he spotted Jules, and Ev he quickly shoved the rest of his biscuit into his mouth and opened the door moving his hands in a certain way as if guiding them in. They didn't trust it but they did anyway.

And yet again another girl was there smiling at what looked like she was putting tape on a box of sort.


"Hi! Hello! Welcome Evelyn and Juliette! Please take a seat this needs to be rushed!" The girl ushered. They didn't feel comfortable but they did anyway. Evelyn clutched her purse and patted herself down once again as she took in her surroundings.

It was a bright room a big one at that. There was a little office in the corner. And where they were placed seemed to make them feel like they were the project the note talked about. It wasn't a good feeling.

"How are girls feeling?" The girl in a scientist uniform asked. She had a bright smile on her face and she seemed ecstatic.

"Let's cut to the chase please! I'm getting impatient!" Said Juliette, with wide eyes. She looked down guilty and her fingernails were now stabbing at her palm. It seemed like she didn't mean to say that out loud.

The scientist smile slightly faltered but she quickly brang it back. "Hey it's alright just, uh, put the wires in the form of a glove on." I smiled at her softly as she gave a soft smile back.

The two girls on the table did as told and felt mildly uncomfortable. They gave each other a side glance- or just Evelyn and Juliette was busy closing and opening her hand playing with the glove like material. She had a small smile on her face. That was until Ev kicked her shin signaling to knock it off. She looked at Evelyn with a frown on her face and they both continued to play footisies.

"Ok, So all you need to do is put your hands on the knobs in front of you and when I tell you to turn turn them as quick as possible. And stay calm." Callie stated over the girls commotion and looked over at her computer.

It showed their heartbeat and their breathing. One was as steady as the wind and the other racing like a cheetah. Callie couldn't figure out who it was as she looked back up at the two girls.

Evelyn leaned back in her seat and Juliette watched her and something had come to mind.
"Hey Ev I think I left my phone in the-"

"Twist the knobs now!" Callie shouted. The girls did as told. If Juliette had asked Callie to get her phone she wouldn't be able to say no. This pair of girls weren't the same girls she saw on the streets a few days ago.

The next few seconds for the two girls was excruciating pain. It was like a shock of lightning and a somewhat feeling of their heartbeat going faster. Like the effect caffeine had.

fourteen new messages.

Chris: Juliette? You there?


A/N: This was rushed I really wanted to start writing the next few parts and I did. But I also have a busy week ahead of me.

𝐓ɦ𝖾 𝗒𝖾α𝗋 ⱺ𝖿 1965 | 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝚰𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝚰𝐂Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin