The Fall of Stella and Return of Fiore.

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The Kingdom of Stella was once on par with Fiore in terms of economic, political, and social prosperity in central Ishtar.In both countries, there was a similar social hierarchy with the king at the top, followed by the aristocratic ruling class on the left, and the working class on the right.In comparison to Fiore's monarchy, Stella's monarchy only shared power with the Supreme Court.The King was responsible for writing bills and ratifying them into law, not Parliament.It is believed that Stella used to be a textbook constitutional monarchy centuries ago.In the past, the King was subject to the approval of a Parliament, which meant that he could not declare war or raise taxes without their consent. Stella's political fabric was forever changed by something that happened. Long story short, a scandal engulfed the Legislature to the extent that the Royal Family decided to disband it. As a result, the King was no longer subject to the approval of Parliament and was given more power to make laws. This meant that he could declare war or raise taxes without the approval of Parliament. The power to make laws was then shared with the Supreme Court, thus creating a new political system in which the King had more control. If you are curious to know, who am I talking about, allow me to put your curiosity to rest once and for all.

This King who disbanded the Parliament of Stella because of a serious political scandal that involved all of its lawmakers was none other than King Louis XIV. In the foreign perspective of other global leaders in Ishtar, he was very kind-hearted and showed it only to those he trusted. But there was one aspect he did not hesitate to show off and that was his grandeur. He was firmly nationalistic and wanted to make Stella even greater a country than it ever was. Louis XIV believed that Fiore's unofficial status as Ishtar's greatest country had to end now, but his peers did not share his beliefs. Instead, they ridiculed him during meetings and even laughed at him when he visited their capitals for a meeting. Louis XIV was offended and annoyed by the other world leaders laughing at him. He was determined to prove that he could lead a more prosperous kingdom a lot quicker than the King, James I of Fiore and his family, the House of Romanov-Stuart, did in several millennia. To do this, he rapidly increased taxes and implemented new laws to promote economic growth, modernized the military, and encouraged foreign trade. He also heavily invested in public works projects, such as building roads and bridges, and in agricultural improvements, which further increased the wealth of the nation.

His efforts were eventually successful, and Stella quickly flourished and became a major power in Ishtar. However, he knew there was one thing a great country must have and that was a functional education, healthcare, and legal system. He personally ratified bills that strengthened the existing systems to the point that seniors could now afford to buy health insurance for the best price and high school graduates can now afford to attend a four-year undergraduate or graduate's program in college if they wished. Of course, vocational programs were not abandoned. He promoted this by personally visiting each trade school in the country, accompanied by the state-controlled media: SNN or the Stellan Cable News Network. Stella was a diverse country, so people of all backgrounds were encouraged to either attend a vocational program then work in blue-collared professions or attend an undergraduate and graduate's program then end up in white-collared professions. Businesspeople used the skills they learned in college to build their own businesses. Thus, Stella continued to prosper but at a faster rate than ever before. Thanks to the reformed legal system, crime was almost zero as well as drug addiction, teenage pregnancy, poverty, and obesity. The judges he appointed made sure that businesses responsible for the obesity epidemic were shut down for good, with their CEOs behind bars serving several life sentences in federal prison.

 King James I was shocked at the news of Stella's rapid growth, so he started a competition where whoever prospered the quickest won. After 3 years of constant economic growth in both countries, Stella was confirmed as the winner of the race. James was angry and tried to demean Louis' government as cheaters, but Stella's king threatened war and so James was forced to apologize for his words. In live television, he promised he will never insult King Louis XIV again or he and his subjects will face the consequences. By this point, Louis was commander-in-chief of the continent's most powerful and disciplined military of all time. 30 million soldiers each commanded by 3 million commanding officers were held in reserve for emergencies. 

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