The continent of Orario stood in the middle of the world, surrounded by two others separated by a bay and a lake. To the east stood Ishgar, a massive continent made of several kingdoms bordering one another. Its biggest and most powerful was Pergrande in the east. It was a massive country that nearly engulfed the entire eastern half of Ishgar, stopped by the neighboring Kingdoms of Sin and Iceberg. It was an absolute monarchy, where the ruling family enjoyed almost no limits on their authority. They could tax, declare war, or proclaim a government shutdown at will. Only the richest and most affluent nobles could rule as their equals., so a constant competition of political intrigue ensued. A small noble family can grow to become the country's most powerful, if they won the ruling family's favor. In turn, the nobles each indirectly or intentionally caused a fierce rivalry between their vassals, who in turn intentionally caused a rivalry between their serfs. A serf in Pergrande was a common citizen with almost no political rights enjoyed in say, the Kingdom of Fiore. Serfdom did not end with your death, it passed on to your kids and grandkids. They could not leave their master's estate, or they would be executed by the King's knights. Above them were the nobles that varied from the most powerfulmto the most anonymous. They could levy taxes in their own fiefs, provided they paid their fair share. If they evaded the royal tax collectors, their fiefs were seized immediately. At the very top of the kingdom's strict hierarchical system stood the royal family and courtesans. They enjoyed almost no limits in their powers since the founding of the Kingdom long ago. Leonidas was born in this tense environment to a minor supporter of a father and a powerful knight of a mother. They were in the two most powerful familias in the town of Brighton called the Zeus and Hera Familias, respectively.  Little Odysseus enjoyed the childhood of a upper-middle class boy in a small city. He could play with his friends from affluent families and help his grandparents, Zeus-God of thunder- and Hera-Goddess of marriage- with farming and other household activities. But this Happy childhood came to a tragic end one day, forever changing his life. As he was in school with a tutor who studied with Aristotle and Plato under Socrates, the two familias left to the Kingdom of Joya, just across the border from the neighboring Tsardom of Iceberg, to slay a ferocious dragon called Acnologia, the One-Eyed Dragon King. For 400 years, he has ravaged Ishgar, leaving none alive and it just so happens to be one of his occasional raids every four hundred years. Zeus and Hera tried to stop them, but they acquiesced to their children's stubbornness. Little did they know how right they were to worry for their children's safety. 

When they arrived in Joya, all the adventurers in the Zeus and Hera Familias split up into teams to search for the last known location of Acnologia. Eventually, it was a village 3 kilometers from the border with Iceberg and it was on fire. People ran screaming in fear and panic as Acnologia unleashed his Chaos Dragon Slaying Magic on them, laughing maniacally. When he encountered the two familias, a battle ensued in which some adventurers were turned to crisps instantly.  The survivors fought on valiantly, but they too met their end in battle. Acnologia teleported away to his cave, leaving their carcasses to smolder to ash along with the destroyed village.  It was an overwhelming victory for Acnologia, but a fatal loss for the Zeus and Hera familias. Their respective gods felt their bonds snap, so they mourned bitterly as young Odysseus was walking home from tutoring. It was when he ate lunch that he discovered what had happened to his family, including his parents who were killed alongside them. Soon, they were forcibly summoned to the royal court in Rome. The King humiliated them, banishing Zeus and Hera to the mountains. But that's not all. They were forced to leave poor Odysseus behind. So this was the day he lost everything.  Soon, he lost control of his intense wrath at the King and threw a lightning bolt at him. It landed on his heart, fatally electrocuting him. He finally lost complete control of himself and turned into a ginormous lightning dragon, roaring ferociously at the heavens. Leonidas almost destroyed the capital in a mushroom cloud explosion, but he decided against it at the last minute. Flying away, he mentally vowed to avenge his family's humiliation.  He journeyed far and wide, then encountered Acnologia. They fought, then ended at a stalemate. The Dragon King offered to teach him more Dragon Slaying Magic other than Lightning, and Leonidas enthusiastically accepted. 

For 10 years they trained in punching boulders using their fist and burning down entire forests to a desert wasteland. Eventually as a teenager, Leonidas came of age into manhood as a powerful dragon-human hybrid. He had mastered all Dragon Slaying Magics known in the world, from Chaos to Life and Death with a special element called Metal Dragon Slaying Magic. He could now eat almost all the known elements in Nature., using them as energy. Leonidas returned to Rome, intent on avenging his family. So he destroyed the city's walls, then killed the courtesans responsible for his family's humiliation and exile. In the aftermath of his raid, Rome was in partial ruins. Its population was halved and the King of Pergrande had died, leaving the country in a precarious situation. The nobles, reluctantly, chose to accept Leonidas as King who accepted their offer. In exchange, they had to grant a specific number of freedoms to their vassals and serfs, or their fiefs will be foreclosed then destroyed. Nobles who did resist his condition were burned with their fiefs, replaced by loyal nobles to him and him only. He left the government in the hands of a body of hand-picked ministers called the House of Lords then embarked on a journey west.

The continent of Alakitasia.  A geographic juggernaut composed of one powerful juggernaut of a nation called the Alvarez Empire.  It was ruled by an absolute Emperor who enjoyed no limits on his authority. You can see it based on the structure of his palace and his hand-picked knights called the Spriggan 12. They were all powerful adventurers from the Soma Familia, a powerful familia located outside the capital, Vistarion. When Leonidas landed, the 12 all demanded he state his business or face execution for trespassing.  He revealed his royal insignia, a dragon head with a crown tattooed to the top of his right hand and they all were shocked a King could visit a country as powerful as Alvarez. In the country's official language of Castillian, he spoke to the Emperor offering an alliance against the world. If they joined forces to try to take over the world, the Emperor of Alvarez would be free to claim Pergrande's silver mines in the mountains. With his approval, the Kingdom of Pergrande and Empire of Alvarez were officially allies in crime. Literally. 

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