Epilogue until next time.

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And so my friends, World War One between Pergrande and Alvarez had officially begun in the winter of X779. For four years, they've invaded the other kingdoms of Ishgar before turning to other continents around the globe. Fires erupted everywhere, with people shouting in fear and pain. In the streets, the children cried as their parents were slain by unknown soldiers who marched into their hometowns to raid and conquer. The widows wailed as their spouses were taken from them, only to be put to the sword, while the government body watched powerlessly.  In the aftermath, villagers all over the globe were smoldering ruins and very quiet. No cries, no screams, no war cries, just dead silent.  Their inhabitants of all ages were slain by the invading soldiers of Alvarez and Pergrande. When they returned, King Leonidas and the Emperor of Alvarez threw a join triumph, as the soldiers marched past the cheering crowd. POWs were dragged behind them, bound by rope, but one tried to resist. A soldier only punched him, which killed him. So another POW took his place.  Eventually, the triumph ended for the day as the two allied countries relished their victory. But it was not to last for Zeus descended greatly disappointed in his grandson. They had an argument where Leonidas accused him of child neglect, harming Zeus's pride. In return, Zeus only shook his head then ascended back.  In heaven, Zeus and Hera championed a mercenary from another country far away to defeat their grandson in a dream. 

When they met, they immediately came to blows viciously. Leonidas was forced to stop raiding, in exchange for the adventurer's surrender. Leonidas then had a lengthy discussion where the mercenary joined his cause. The Gods were shocked at the news of this betrayal, with some losing hope. They disowned their children in paranoia of future betrayal, inspired by Leonidas's actions. These former adventuerers then joined the aging King's banner and together, more cities and villages were subjugated. Zeus forbade the Gods from intervention, to their relief. Leonidas one day, fell ill with smallpox but recovered in only a month's time. He fell ill again, this time succumbing at 170. A funeral ensued where millions flocked the streets to bid farewell. He was buried in a special mausoleum that architects built in his honor when he seized the throne of Pergrande. Leonidas did have heirs, with the eldest being crowned Queen of Pergrande. She continued her father's legacy of world domination with Alvarez for the rest of her life. In time, Leonidas's descendants would complete his mission to take over the world with their allies. The Kingdom of Bosco, together with the neighboring Kingdoms of Dragnof and Isvan allied with Pergrande. Together, they conquered the City-state of Seven after toppling their tyrant. So the world was at peace once again,  with Alvarez and Pergrande as their rulers. Ironically, life was peaceful under their rule than ever before. Leonidas's seventh great-grandson signed a law, which guaranteed there would be no more corruption, bigotry, persecution, and political intrigue under his watch.  His son had followed through on his promise, so corruption essentially became a thing of the past. People of all racial and ethnic backgrounds respected each other and collaborated to make the world a better place. In heaven meanwhile, Leonidas gloated his success to Zeus and Hera who begrudgingly applauded him. They eventually scolded him, but Leonidas was too proud to care. He was content to finally end his suffering once and for all, even if it was...unconventional at best. 

Leonidas: "Hey! Admit it, my plans were effective!" 

Okay, okay. Maybe not so unconventional at all. Perhaps it was effective in the long run. Do you agree?

Leonidas: [nods] "So the world lived happily ever after."

Yes, it did.  Except for a certain Thunder God who is currently shouting for mercy from Hera, angrily screaming at him for abandoning their grandson. He is cursing his cheeky grandson, as he laughs at Zeus's expense. After all, Zeus did deserve it. Every insult Hera angrily throws at him. Eventually, Hera glares at Zeus then stomps away. dragging Leonidas behind her. She's muttering about punishment and not being off the hook. So Leonidas was forced to sit on a stone in the middle of a sea in another world as it receded away from him and his thirst. Eventually, he lost his mind and took over this world. Hera was shocked when she discovered it was all his, so she just helplessly gave up, blaming his dead father. Let's just say he should be glad to be dead, because Hera is coming for him like an angry wildebeest. 

Hera: [running around screaming for Leonidas's father like a rabid bull]

Leonidas's Dad: [running away screaming from Hera's legendary wrath]

Eventually, Hera tackles him in an alternate universe then started hurling kicks and insults at his screaming back.  Together Zeus and Leonidas's father scream for mercy from her wrath, but Leonidas only laughs harder until Hera turns to glare daggers at him. Gulping, he slowly walks away from Hera only to be chased as he starts sprinting around heaven screaming for help and mercy. His father and grandfather soon join him.

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