Legend 3

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Continue from Legend II...

Hello. You are [Y/N] von Lårson, an orphaned travelling peddler. You drive your cart all over Ishgar, buying and selling exotic knick-knacks to your customers' front doorsteps. You've earned 10 thousand jewel just by working with Amazon for about ten years, so it was time to move on. Your boss sent a letter of recommendation to a bigger trading company called Wayfair.com. After 5 months of settling in your family's mansion, you finally get hired.


You bought back your family's mansion when it was in the market for only 7 thousand jewels, while you worked at Amazon. So you are paying 300 thousand in annual mortgage payments, to keep it. Are you satisfied? Not yet. You still have to reclaim your family's wealth and then rebuild their tarnished reputation among the nobility. You spread rumors that the von Lårsons were coming back and they needed support to firmly entrench themselves among the nobility. 93% of the kingdom's nobles knocked on your door and helped you slowly regain allies and build close diplomatic ties with other families. Your most favorite were the Romanovs, a  kind noble family descended from Russia, a distant country beyond the eastern border with Ishgar. Their head of the family was a countess named Maria and you two married, after months of courting.  With that, you can say that you've accomplished your goal of regaining your family's fortune and reforming your family. When your children were born, you strictly taught them the downsides of gambling and other sins. So, they promised you and themselves to stay single until they find someone to marry when they are old enough. Unfortunately, the King that your murdered in the last chapter had a son who vowed to get revenge against you. 

When the prince became king after the President died, you were angry to see your hard work reversed. So as a dragon similar to Acnologia, you secretly destroyed the King's royal palace, this time making sure that there were no survivors in his family. He was crafty, so you did not know that his heirs were sent to a secluded convent that taught Dragon Slaying Magic. You transformed into a demon and attacked the convent, killing the King's heirs along with all the clergymen and women. When you left, it burned down to ash and no fireman could put out the blaze, as it was no ordinary fire. It was Demonic fire from the depths of Hell. So the Republic was reinstated with the election of another President. As for you, you went back to your merchant business. One day, you were on a business venture to the Country of Minstrel. You were delivering an old religious relic to the local church in Bard, where a Bishop was waiting for you. 

When you arrived, you knew that people in Minstrel spoke a different language than your countrymen. So you learned how to speak the common language, German. The Bishop thanks you for your business and you part ways as you drive to your next destination, waving goodbye. After driving a few hundred kilometers, you reached the border with the Kingdom of Joya. It was guarded, so you had to present identification papers given to you by your new employer at Wayfair.com. As you delivered exotic relics all over the kingdom, you received a lacrima phone call from your boss. He told you that Fedex has merged with the business and you now work for Fedex. When you were on your way back to Pergrande, you showed your papers given to you by your new employers then drove home. You took the rest of the spring off as paid vacation leave. After 3 months, your employer called saying that you've used up all your days of paid vacation leave, so you got on your cart and drove from country to country on business again. However, you've received a special order from a guest who lived in a mysterious country that only a small number of Ishgarians knew. It was a vast land that was the total opposite of Ishgar. The Eastern continent was peaceful and primarily spent their days trading while this country was militaristic. It was ruled by an emperor that only the nobility and elites knew about, while the working-class and the peasantry mostly followed superstitions that God was the ruler of this vast empire, from where your customer hailed. He was a member of the empire's class of knights called the Spriggan 12, meaning he was very powerful. He introduced himself as August, the mysterious Magic King, known far and wide for his brutality in times of war and stoicism in times of peace. Popular culture paints him as a warlord commissioned by the Emperor of this country from where came to spread the word of his generosity in exchange for their obedience.

You however, got a very distinct understanding of him. August was very patient, yet he was also stern when he asked for service from you. In the end, he paid 30 thousand Jewels to send a confidential document to the Emperor's palace in Vistarion. He did not tell you what it was about, but you knew this job was special, surpassed by SSS-Class missions or Hundred Year Missions. So off you went to his homeland. You boarded an airship and then drove your cart to the Emperor's palace, where you were asked to present your identification papers. The guards recognized you, so they escorted you to the throne room. On a gilded throne embroidered in bronze decor upon a flight of stairs, sat a young man with black hair clad in traditional Roman clothing-a white toga covering his black tunic and pants- whose blank expression slightly brightened when you arrived. He expectantly waited for you to present the message and read it thoroughly, then thanked you for your service. 

With a snap of his fingers, another platoon of bodyguards marched in the throne room with a treasure chest filled with cash. He explained that the job was worth one hundred million Jewels, so the payment was yours. You bowed politely and the Emperor bowed in reply, then you left without turning around. In this distant land, it was common courtesy to not turn your back on the Emperor when you leave after your business with him is done, as a gesture of respect. You immediately boarded one of the Emperor's personal airships and flew back to Pergrande. As a gesture of friendship, he asked that you keep the ship and come visit anytime you want, for business or personal pleasure. Now, this country from where August hailed is called the Alvarez Empire, located in the Western Continent of Alakitasia. On your identification papers, the Imperial Emblem was magically stamped, recognizing you as an important delegate from Ishgar. Your market of customers has expanded tenfold, with the addition of Alvarez as a place to do business. So you continued working as a travelling peddler until you retired in your 60s. You opened your own peddling business called Larson's Moving Company and left it to your eldest son in case if you passed. After 20 years of living in comfort and peace, you died peacefully at the age of 130 as a rich man, a lot richer than your parents. Your children took over your business after your funeral service in your hometown, then when they died, your grandchildren took it over. In time, the business would be renamed The Larson Family's Moving Company when your seventh great-grandchildren took it over from their parents. But one can still see a ghost of you driving your cart from country to country, buying and selling exotic knick-knacks to your customers' front doorsteps. The story ends when the ghostly cart drives around a corner on a paved road, then ascends an illusionary hill where one can see the setting sun through the horizon. Finally, the cart seems to disappear into the distance and the curtains finally close.

The End.

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