One-shot II

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Before Leonidas passed away, he did settle down and start a family. With his wife, he had 3 sons and 1 daughter. The eldest son was called Zeus, after Leonidas's grandfather while the second eldest and youngest sons were each called Poseidon, after his grand-uncle, and Remus respectively.  They called their daughter, Leonara. She could restrain her brothers from acting recklessly, as they grew. Leonidas was very content to be a husband and a father, so he devoted his time and energy to raising his kids the best he can, with support from his wife. Of course, the three boys were a handful, because they wanted to show off their mettle against each other, to his frustration. But Leonara was there to stop them before they even tried. She aspired to be a doctor, because Leonidas taught her how to take care of injuries, both on her brothers and other people. Zeus, Remus, and Poseidon wanted to walk in their father's footsteps, so when they became of age, Leonidas brought them to the Ganesha Familia, as they were the only ones he wholeheartedly trusted to take care of his "wayward" sons. From the day they joined, they've risen through the ranks to become Level 2 adventurers and had amazing skills of their own. Zeus's skill was "Mystery", the skill to not only protect himself from enemies by disguising himself as an invisible figure, but to build his own armor and swords, instead of spending money to buy them. But his brothers both had the rarest skill, Liaris Friese, a skill that granted them limitless growth in power and experience for as long as Poseidon and Remus's emotions last. After 1 year had passed since the 3 brothers joined the Ganesha Familia, they've leveled up to become Level 5 adventurers, as adolescents, and unlocked new skills. For Zeus, it was Scourge, a skill that intimidated his perceived enemies with one sharp glare, almost as feared as their great-grandfather's. Meanwhile, his brother also unlocked Scourge, thanks to his legendary anger that rivaled Leonidas's granduncle. But he also unlocked Demon-Slayer, a skill that activated when he aimed to slay demons and reptile-like monsters. Meanwhile, Remus and Zeus only levelled up to Level 3, and they did not unlock any skills that could match Poseidon's. How he unlocked it has spread all over the globe. One day, Poseidon and his two brothers were on their solo venture into the dungeon when they got separated at the lower floors. Alone, Poseidon ventured on, deeper into the dungeon while his brothers searched far and wide for him. Soon, he encountered a ferocious demon at the 91st floor. It was gigantic and furry with sharp horns and red eyes that glared menacingly down at him. Adventurers of old dubbed it Deliora, Demon of Destruction. Its ferocity rivaled that of Acnologia, the One-Eyed Black Dragon King.

A horrific battle ensued that would be remembered for generations to come, until in his anger, he utterly slaughtered the demon, leaving nothing behind but a gigantic magic stone. Somehow, Deliora spoke in perfect Koine Greek, insulting his father as weak and his great-grandfather as a coward. However, there was one thing it said that finally angered Poseidon, sealing its doom. Deliora even went as far as talking about how he would kill his entire family as revenge for the destruction of the Hades and Apollo Familias. Poseidon could not take it anymore, so he unleashed his full power at the demon, mercilessly slaughtering it into ash in one stroke. When he stormed back to the surface, reunited with his brothers and cashed in the stone at the Guild, his advisors and brothers had all fainted at its value. He had earned 500 million gold coins as payment, which has been unheard of since before Leonidas retired. Of course, it brought the attention and oftentimes, jealousy of other gods, namely Makarov, God of the Giants and the Vermillion familia. This was a law enforcement familia based in Magnolia, a town in the Kingdom of Fiore in the eastern continent of Ishgar. Of course other Gods there caught wind of Poseidon's legendary status as Level 5 adventurer of the Ganesha Familia, and even mortals like the King of Pergrande, Nicodemus I. He was the son of the late King Diocletian, succeeding him upon his father's murder. When the young king discovered Poseidon, Zeus, and Remus were the sons of his father's assassin, he vowed revenge so, he secretly sent 250 million men to Orario on a mission to kill them. They were all S-Class magicians, so they had the power to succeed in the mission, but it was not enough. After encountering them, Poseidon simply knocked them out then placed them on an old ship at the docks of Orario City, before they could kidnap his brothers and stab him to death with their swords. After tying them securely around a mast of the ship, he sent a crimson red fireball with his Demon Slaying magic, sinking the ship and burning them alive. King Nicodemus was angry when he found out what happened, so he knew he had to deal with Poseidon and his brothers directly. But first, he executed nobles that were simply too powerful to be left alone, and even went as far as forcing a number of gods in the kingdom back to heaven. Within 3 months of the incident, Pergrande declared war on Orario City then sent a new batallion of 50 thousand S-Class wizards with 3 Wizard Saints to invade the city. Poseidon caught wind of the invasion, and knew its goal was to kill him, Zeus, and Remus. So he marched alone outside the city walls to deal with the invading army head-on. When they arrived, he noticed the royal soldiers of Pergrande were not alone. The King had called on his allies: Peter, King of Bosco and Ryan, King of Joya, and they both answered his call to arms. Bosco and Joya both sent an extra 10 thousand S-Class wizards and so, the allied coalition initiated the fighting. Hours of brutal warfare ensued, with the allied armies laying waste to surrounding villages and towns, as well as familias located outside the city walls

Soon, Makarov intervened in behalf of Pergrande but their numbers were not enough to eliminate Poseidon. Using his Demon Slaying skill, he completely laid waste to the allied companies of soldiers from Joya, Bosco, and Pergrande and even adventurers from the Vermillion Familia. After killing them, Poseidon then marched up to Makarov and in one shot, forced him to use his arcanum to dodge his deadliest attacks. Eventually, he was killed then promptly sent back to heaven, where Zeus and Hera punished him for attempting to kill their great-grandsons. As penance, Makarov was stripped of his "godhood" and sent to an alternate dimension, where he spent eternity as a feast to an evil dragon. His liver and heart were torn from his body and promptly eaten by the dragon, before they were magically replaced and the process repeated. Meanwhile with Poseidon, he had slaughtered the armies of Joya and Bosco, so he only had to deal with the soldiers of Pergrande. After a brutal fight, they were all slaughtered, then he promptly teleported to Rome in the Pergrande Kingdom, where he slaughtered the King then destroyed the country in a crimson inferno that would not be snuffed out by ordinary water. In the end, Poseidon returned to Orario City as a hero on par with his father, much to the pride of his family and friends. Eventually, he settled down in the city's outskirts, near the city's eastern walls bordering a forest and started his own family. Leonidas had passed away when Poseidon had 1 son, so the happily married couple left their child in the care of a trustworthy babysitter, as they attended his father's funeral. In the end, Poseidon was content with his only child, so the happily married couple raised him the best they can. As for Zeus, Remus, and Leonara, they too, settled down and started a family. Poseidon's son-named Jannor had a happy childhood, playing with other children and his cousins as well as being doted on by their grandmother, whom they all adored with all their heart until she passed away before their rite of passage. Nonetheless, they all lived happily ever after.

The End.

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