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Island of Donxia

It is a relatively small island, off the coast of western Minstrel. The people there speak an islander dialect of English, but political institutions officially speak Latin. The island has been divided into three regions for generations, each inhabited by one tribe out of three.In the north, the Jutes are the dominant inhabitants because, they are allegedly descended from a tribe of Vikings that raided the north long ago. Their neighbors in East and West are the Frisii and the Saxons, both Germanoc tribes that are lumberjacks and navigators. But in the south, a distinct tribe dwells in these parts called the Huns. Not much is known other than their infamous piracy raids against the mainland. The southern territories are the largest and most densely populated of them all. Hence, all three tribes made up the population of Donxia. Culturally, it is diverse by language and ethical standards but they are all followers of Catholicism, influenced by the mainland a long time ago. The history of the island goes back to during the Dragon War between Humans, Dragons, Demons, and Gods in the X300s. Back then the island was only a weak confederation of tribal kingdoms that were all pagan and fought each other for dominance. When the war in the mainland spread to Donxia, the tribes teamed up and expelled the invading Dragon, Demon, and God army together with their Gods. By X400, the war had calmed down to a few skirmishes between Fiore and Bosco in the mainland that ended in victory for the former. The King of Bosco was forced to agree to give up a significant percentage of his power to the nobility by Fiore, in exchange for the restoration of land and naval trade. Meanwhile, Donxia at this point was peaceful for a brief period of time but the tribes went back to feuding. Eventually, they came together in a forest and signed a treaty that divided the island into three districts. Each tribe would inhabit each region and do whatever they pleased, with no interference. It's been this way ever since. Now let's move on the next island in Ishgar.

 Country of Enca

It is an archipelago, just like Caelum. The people there speak Latin, influenced by the nearby country of Sin and they are ruled by a prince that is limited by a constitution. The legislative arm of his government is the official topdog, with the prince as their "figurehead". Hence, it is a somewhat oppressive country for the "have-nots". Their wealthy counterparts hold all the power in the country, influencing laws that were created then signed by the Prince. It has led to a decrease in the middle-class population, because they've immigrated to Fiore by ship. Economically, it's decent with a profitable trade deal with the Kingdom of Pergrande. In fact, Enca's prince is actually the grandson of the Pergrandean King, at least according to rumors. The elderly King, Alexander I (the Great) of Pergrande, allegedly married twice. The first time was when he married a princess from a far-away country in Alakitasia but it ended in divorce, because she allegedly did not give him what he wanted: a legitimate heir to carry on his family's legacy that went back hundreds of years.

Afterwards, he married a nobleman's daughter and together, they had a son who grew to serve as general in the army. Decades later, their grandson was born, supposedly an illegitimate heir to the throne after the baby's father suddenly died in active duty and his mother died after having him. The Pergrandean Patricians did not want him to inherit the throne so they threatened civil war. To placate them, he was installed as prince of Enca after the death of his predecessor, where he's reigned ever since. 

Island of Embrant 

Located off the coast of Seven, Embrant is a sparsely-populated island with an Arctic climate. The people there officially spoke Latin, but there is a percentage that speak vernacular tounges like Sámi and Inuit. Embrant has only one mountain while the rest is cold beach. Their government was influenced by that of Seven centuries ago, so they are ruled by a pope with absolute power almost like in the Theocratic Kingdom of Seven. Their geopolitical alliance is with the Kingdom of Fiore in the south, so they've profited from trade with the latter in spices, herbs, incense, and myrrh. Economically it is almost as wealthy as Fiore, hence its militarily powerful. In fact, they helped Fiore expel the Alvarez Empire's 150 million men during the last invasion of Ishgar by Alakitasia, 350 years ago. Their history is tied with that of Seven, we shall cover this on another day.

Island of Napedia

Last but not least on our list is Napedia. It is an island off the Southwestern coast of Minstrel, near the isle of Donxia. Demographically, it isn't as densely-populated as Fiore because, a large portion immigrated for economic reasons. Those that stayed were relatively well-off, but it largely depended on economic and geopolitical relationships with Minstrel. Because it is closer than Donxia, the people of Napedia suffer greatly when the government of Minstrel decides to impose a high tariff on their exports. They don't produce that many raw materials other than oil and metals like tungsten, but the market is extremely volatile. When prices skyrocket through the roof, Minstrelian buyers stop flocking to Napedia to buy their raw goods. So the population suffers as a result from political stagnation, because there's little to no revenue to spend on institutions like the police force, education, or Social Security. Linguistically, the people officially speak Latin due to its location and they practice Catholicism, like the other islands in Ishgar. Their history is tied with that of Minstrel and will be covered on a later day. Until then, stay tuned. 

To be continued...

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