Continuation of Previous Chapter

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A/N: Please read to understand the plot of this chapter.

Remember when I enthralled you with the captivating tale of how Macedonia, under the awe-inspiring leadership of a mighty king and his courageous son, triumphantly conquered the medieval world? The late king of Macedon is highly respected as an incredibly skilled military leader, known for his relentless efforts in paving the way for the conquest of the world. His name was King Philip, and he sadly passed away before he could realize his dream.In his deathbed, he left the property to his son and passed on to the afterlife, where the God of Death, Hades, resides. King Alexander the Great wasted no time in realizing his late father's grand vision, establishing his dominance over Greece with unwavering determination. This impressive undertaking involved the conquering of both Athens and Sparta. These two bitter rivals, constantly vying for supremacy, succumbed to the irresistible might of Alexander's rule. Beyond Greece lay the distant continent of Ishtar and so it was his next target, naturally.

Remember, it was a peninsular continent made up of several kingdoms bordering each other and the seas surrounding the landmass. So how long do you think it took for Alexander to conquer it? If you answered decades, you are correct. He had to start somewhere, thus he chose the Kingdom of Fiore. In the past, it was dominated economically, socially, politically, militarily, and culturally by the once powerful Kingdom of Athens. Although it has experienced a gradual decline, this kingdom, which was once thriving and known for its unique Doric dialect, has successfully maintained its lasting power and resilience. 

I guess you could say it was history in the making, right? Anyway, the time was ripe, so he quickly hastened his planned invasion. His generals were summoned the following morning for their first mission, to take the port town of Hargeon. They seized it effortlessly, their formidable military renowned worldwide for its utilization of the awe-inspiring phalanx formation. Hargeon was renamed Alexandria, and they built a local government subservient to Alexander. The residents of the town were filled with both fear and fascination upon the arrival of Alexander's men. Consequently, they respectfully bowed to the newly appointed mayor, following the execution of their previous leader. After Hargeon, the Macedonians advanced inland. Era was the second target in Fiore, and it was conquered without much fanfare. Then Magnolia Town, and finally, the crown jewel: Crocus. Known as the majestic capital of the once-great Kingdom of Fiore, it slowly deteriorated into a ghost town. So the invasion was the final nail in the coffin. Crocus was taken without fanfare, after the deaths of half of its townspeople. With the fall of Crocus, Fiore followed suit. With remarkable strength, Alexander's unstoppable force overwhelmed The Kingdom of Bosco, The Margraviate of Seven, The Islands of Caelum, The Republic of Minstrel, and The Duchy of Isvan, leaving them utterly defenseless! In just one year, he triumphed over Vockerode Town, Rosalba City, Honolulu, Bard, and Brago Town! These were their respective formidable capitals and so, the rest of Ishtar was swept off their feet as well.

Following suit were the Kingdom of Joya, the Slavic Principality of Iceberg, the Kingdom of Stella, the Grand Duchy of Veronica, the Sultanate of Desierto, the Duchy of Midi, the United Emirates of Sin, the Islands of Enca, and the Kingdom of Pergrande. All of these countries were soon unified under one empire, and the man was crowned Emperor of Ishtar. To some, he ruled with justice, fairness, and compassion, and his empire prospered under his rule. He was never forgotten, and his empire lasted for many generations to come. Unfortunately, rebellions popped up almost everywhere. So he used brute force to crush them, once and for all. The ringleaders were rounded up by his generals and then executed. Finally, the continent was a colony of Macedonia! His rule was characterized by brutality and oppression. His actions had a lasting effect on the people, and they ultimately rebelled against his rule. After years of relentless conflict with Ishtar, Alexander finally witnessed the magnificent collapse of his father's empire, bringing forth the glorious restoration of freedom for the people. Meanwhile, the ancient Emperor was furious and secretly created a devastating weapon. The nuclear bomb.

Its explosion was powerful enough to destroy ten vigintillion countries if it was dropped from the air. So when he used it, the subsequent blast completely annihilated all of Ishtar. Not even the islands were spared, because a shockwave swept over land and sea for 5 miles. (A/N: It is 8.04672 kilometres). It was reclaimed after the blast calmed down and all was still once again. The remains of the destroyed continent were left to be explored by the few survivors. They found nothing but devastation and ruin, with no sign of life or civilization. It was a devastating event, the effects of which were still felt generations later, as the medieval era progressed. So the world was at peace, even if it cost way too much in human lives to be bearable. According to rumors, the survivors of the Ishtarian civilization were thrown into a state of madness, completely consumed by the devastating aftermath of the bomb's destruction. They killed each other for sport. This catastrophic event sent reverberations of terror across the lands of Alakitasia. This calamity notably affected the Alvarez Empire, a nation also under the rule of Alexander.

On the summit of Mount Olympus, known as the divine realm, thegods were angry at him for what he did and voted on throwing a curse at him while he slept one night. But Hades intervened, with an ultimatum. If the curse was implemented, he said he would not hesitate to throw the Divine Realm into civil war. In ancient times, Hades dared to undertake a perilous endeavor that could have brought ruin to the entire realm. Yet, his formidable brothers, Zeus, the mighty King of Olympians and the God of Thunder, and Poseidon, the revered King of Beasts and the God of Seas, swiftly and resolutely emerged victorious over him, displaying their indomitable power. He was banished from Mount Olympus to the Underworld, never to return for eternity. Now the gods were in a predicament. Curse the King and themselves to eternal doom, or leave him be and save themselves? They unanimously agreed to ignore Hades' ultimatum and cursed Alexander anyway, but in secret. Back in the mortal realm, the ancient king awoke to start his day but was interrupted by a horrified scream. Rushing to investigate, he broke into a room where he discovered a dead male carcass. He stepped closer and recognized whose body it was. His grandson, Julius Caesar, was dead prematurely. He was only a mere teenager at 16.

The ancient king planned on retiring, leaving his grandson king. But now that his heir was dead, he had to stay in politics until a new heir was found and adopted. In a fit of rage, he commanded his generals to immediately declare a state of emergency, vowing to hunt down and execute the assassin of his beloved grandson without delay. It wasn't long until his rage gave way to paranoia. He had his elite generals executed without trial, along with his noble subjects. Everyone else was horrified at his change, even his wife, son-in-law, and daughter. They tried begging for mercy, but he placed his favorite knives at their throats. So some plotted a conspiracy against him while others went home and committed suicide in secret. Hearing of a plot to overthrow him, Alexander commanded a preemptive strike on the rebels. Mercilessly, they were all ruthlessly slain, while he went as far as dismantling the very government of Ishtar that he himself had established, simultaneously executing the viceroys from each kingdom. Alexander did the same destruction in the Empire of Alvarez. In the end, almost everyone in Ishtar and in Alvarez was dead. Only a few remained out of their relative population of 1 billion before he conquered them. So he ruled over them with an iron fist, personally this time. Even when he retired from politics, Alexander continued to maintain control of the world through his new heir. In his younger days, the Emperor had an illegitimate nephew who was born to his half-brother, an unimportant army lieutenant. Nevertheless, because of Alexander's ruling, the young boy was swiftly recognized as the legitimate heir and ultimately ascended to the throne when his half-uncle's retirement was declared. The new ruler's name in birth was Octavian, but everyone called him Augustus. He was crowned Emperor Augustus I, the founder of the imperial House of Julio-Claudius. 

His family would continue the lineage of rulers through his son, grandson, great-grandson, and even his third great-grandson, until the unfortunate dethronement and subsequent disappearance of the family from the annals of history. Augustus ruled in the same manner as his half-uncle, subsequently imparting this very tradition to his descendants through a family book that he personally authored titled Republic, after famous philosopher Aristotle's most popular work. At the tender age of six, the heir/heiress to the family title of head and the throne of Macedonia was obliged to master the art of reading and comprehending it. The purpose of this was to guarantee that the family tradition would never fade away and that the world would remain under Macedonia's firm control, all while enjoying peace once again. For good this time. Or wasn't it? Read on to find out!!

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