Gli Studiosi Possono Diventare Signore/Signora del Fuoco?

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Thousands of years ago, there used to be a balance of power between the Air Tribes. Water Kingdoms, Fire Nation, and the vast Earth Duchy. But it was broken when a warlord was forced to retire by the 2nd Fire Lord, grandson of the founder of the Fire Nation. His name was Genghis Khan and he wanted revenge. So he secretly infiltrated the palace then killed the 2nd Fire Lord, Alfred the Great in his sleep. He was 48 and heirless. You see since time immemorial, the Fire Lord has invested their money in establishing guilds that were dedicated to Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science, Economics, History, Music Theory, The Fine Arts, Architecture, Number Theory, Calculus, Geometry, Chemistry, Astrology, Physics, Geography, Geology, Rhetoric, and Biology; the core subjects of the Liberal Arts. But with the untimely death of the 2nd Fire Lord, Genghis Khan seized the throne as Fire Lord Genghis then ordered his former colleagues in his warlord days to invade the other three nations, starting with the Southern Water Kingdom. So a long war that lasted 700 years, until the defeat of the Fire Nation had begun. Generation after generation of Fire Lords in his line continued the war, until Genghis's descendant was defeated.

Since time immemorial, the Fire Nation has spent must of their money and public attention to the invasions of the other three nations. A man named Ptolemy inherited the throne after his father's death. He was the descendant of a lengendary warlord named Genghis Khan. Ptolemy's twentieth great-grandfather continued the conquest of the Southern and Northern Water Kingdoms, but it outlasted him. So his descendants finished it generation after generation until Ptolemy took the thone. The two kingsoms were cowed into submission without a fight. Afterwards, his ancestor's last invasion of the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Air Tribes failed. So Fire Lord Ptolemy I was very angry at his generals. He had them arrested when they returned then executed in a public firing squad. It was said that he drew sadistic pleasure hearing the screams of his incompetent men, as they painfully awaited their death. After the purge of the military, he had the dead generals replaced by a fresh batch of valedictorian generals from the local military academies all over the Fire Nation's archipelago and the overseas colonies. So the Hundred Years' War between the Fire Nation and the rest of the war that started when Ptolemy's great-grandfather, Fire Lord Anthony the Grim, kickstarted the invasion of the Southern Air tribe 100 years before, came to a brutal end with the Fire Nation defeated, to Ptolemy's annoyance. This time, he took his anger out on his people. Nobles, peasants, chief ministers of the Royal Court, and even his sister-in-law, Princess Cleopatra the Mad were all arrested then strangled to death on his orders. His wife was said to have threatened divorce if her son from a previous marriage, Prince Rupert the Brave, was next to die. So the Fire Lord just had the Fire Lady drink a poisoned chalice of red wine, killing her instantly. The boy was fifteen when his mother was buried, so he vowed revenge against his stepfather. Paranoid, Ptolemy sent a powerful band of unmarked mercenaries to kill the Prince in his mother's estate, but their dead heads were sent back to his bedroom. So the Fire Lord launched an invasion of his dead wife's estate that failed because, his stepson had support from none other than the Avatar, Francis Xavier. The Fire Lord's men were secretly captured then strangled, while the Prince attempted to behead the Fire Lord. It at first, was a failure because Ptolemy awoke when the sound of an unsheathed sword rang through the air. Stepfather and Stepson dueled ferociously for the throne, until Ptolemy was beheaded by his stepson's sword. At the crack of dawn, he showed off the head of the previous fire Lord, scaring all of his stepfather's men into submission or they would be killed in their sleep. Prince Rupert seized the crown as Fire Lord Ptolemy II after he had the High Priests of Agni, god of Fire, killed on his orders. The new Fire Lord unleashed a brutal purge of all the landowning elites and nobles who supported his stepfather, including the rumored assassin of Prince Bayezid the Great, ex-fiancee of the Fire Lord's mother. With the kingdom under his firm control and the nobles cowed into submission under the threat of death, Fire Lord Ptolemy had a dream as he slept one night. Agni as a dragon ordered him to invade a peninsular continent far away on the Summer Solstice. If he did, Agni would bless the invasion with success until it was conquered. At dawn, he summoned a war council with his stepfather's handpicked generals then ordered them to set sail. They at first, objected his plan and went so far as to question his rule. Angry, Ptolemy stood up then launched a blast of crimson red fire at the heads of his "traitors". The surviving generals screamed in horror as their colleagues burnt to ash then rushed to obey the Fire Lord's orders. So World War 2 restarted but in the distant continent of Ishgar.

The Conquest of Ishgar and Alakitasia
After occupying the port town of Hargeon, the Fire Lord's men marched by rail to the largest city of Era. They burnt it down to ash and left no survivors. Afterwards, they continued east to Crocus, where they laid siege for 5 months until the city's Mayor surrendered. He was apprehended then strangled to death on the Fire Lord's orders, then his men stormed the throne room of the royal palace. Inside, they strangled the King and his wife along with their courtesans and ministers, then burnt the palace down into rubble. The fire spread all over town and nobody survived the wild inferno that destroyed Crocus. With Fiore under Fire Nation control, Vockerode, Rosalba, and Bard were next. Soon all of Ishgar had fallen under the Fire Lord's tight grip and so he turned to the continent of Alakitasia in the west. The Empire of Alvarez was equal in manpower to the Fire Nation at this point, so the conquest turned into a war of attrition. After 5 months of nonstop fighting, the Emperor of Alvarez was abducted then sent to the Fire Nation for "treatment". The royal physicians designed a liquid and tasteless antidote that took away immortality, so they forced the Emperor to drink it. He then underwent a painful process of aging by 400 years, then died in captivity. After his ashes were scattered through the air in the Fire Nation, Alvarez fell without a fight. so the two rival continents were now colonies of the Fire Nation and the entire world lived happily ever after, or didn't they?

La Fine, until next time

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