Legend 1, part 2

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Other countries followed Minstrel in establishing a trade alliance with Fiore, except for Pergrande, Ishvan, Bosco, Seven,  and Dragnof. They were officially rivals with Fiore, instead and established a counteralliance with each other, led by the Country of Seven.  Thus, the Allies and Central Powers were created on July 7th, 377-five years after Alexander's minority under the regency of Emperor Spriggan began. After 3 months,  war engulfed Earthland, except the Northern Continent. Only King Alexander could end the Four Hundred Years' War by defeating Emperor Spriggan, notoriousfor his immortality. But he passed away in 390 of old age when the world needed him. Four centuries passed, and the Alvarez Empire had almost colonized Ishtar into client states. Fortunately, a young boy wearing a maroon tunic, jeans, and a Western hat would finish what Alexander couldn't start. His name was Bryan T. Longmeadow, Alexander's descendant and Prince of Fiore. His father, King Harry Longmeadow, was as brutally stern on the nobles as their ancestor.  His mother unfortunately,  died of pancreatic cancer when Bryan was a toddler. Her name was Queen Anne Longmeadow.
When Bryan left for college in Magnolia, his father passed in a hunting accident. He rushed home to take his place as King of Fiore. Bryan stayed for 3 months until he had to head back to class. So he left the Kingdom in the hands of a nameless childhood friend of his that he trusted. After 2 years of studying all the branches of magic, he graduated with a Mage's license and was ranked SSS-Class, the highest rank of all. Below him were S-Class mages and then A-Class or below. His friend governed the kingdom in his stead, while Bryan went on Century Quests all over the globe.  One day, he recieved an emergency Century Quest where his employer requested to spy on and then take down the notorious organization of dark guilds called the Balam Alliance. Tartaros, Grimoire Heart, Seven Commandments, and the Oracion Seis were the founding members of the alliance, with hundreds of subordinate dark guilds under their control. Tartaros and the Oracion Seis were two dark guilds notorious for piracy.  Six former first mates of the Royal Navy who were sacked by Bryan's father, joined together to form the Oracion Seis. Tartaros on the other hand was made of several hundred former seamen in the Navy. However, Grimoire Heart and Seven Commandments were notorious for building a network where young boys ages 12 through 18, were kidnapped and sent to forced labor camps where they built replicas of the R-System or Tower of Heaven as slaves. Bryan took the afternoon train headed for a nameless town to the west of Crocus, the last known location of Tartaros. When he arrived at the hall, he discovered it filled with demon pirates. So he killed them all using a magic he learned from Spriggan called Devil Slayer Magic, specifically Iron Devil Slayer magic. The anonymous guildmaster shared their fate. Then, Bryan exited the hall and set it aflame. When the fire died away, the hall was nonexistent.  When he returned to his employer's condo, Bryan was paid 1 million Jewels or 3 hundred thousand American dollars.  He sent the money to a local orphanage on the brink of collapse. Afterwards, he murdered the dark mages of the remaining alliance members then destroyed them. For each guild he took down, Bryan was paid a million Jewels. Thus, the Balam Alliance was disbanded.
Smaller dark guilds placed a ten-million jewel bounty on his death. Eisenwald, a former subordinate guild of Oracion Seis, were all killed then destroyed brutally by the Prince along with Raven Tail, Naked Mummy, Phantom Lord, and other small dark guilds. Robbers were killed along with bandits that Bryan encountered on his travels. He retook the throne and led an invasion force against the Central Powers.  The Pergrande Kingdom invaded a country partnered with Fiore called Joya. In the battlefield,   Pergrande was crushed.  The King of the empire was forced to pay reparations to the King of Joya and Bryan of Fiore. But behind the scenes,  a secret weapon was created secretly. It was a dragon that mages from the Empire had successfully captured and subdued. The Emperor planned on using it to wipe out his enemies once and for all. Then he'd threaten Emperor Spriggan into building an alliance with him as the leader.
Five years passed since Bryan's triumph, but the war raged on. He was searching for ways to mortalize Emperor Spriggan, and he found one in an ancient scroll. It said that the only way to kill him was to use the power of demons. He was a Devil Slayer so he figured that it was his destiny to kill Spriggan. When he did, he stormed the palace in Vistarion, capital of the Alvarez Empire.  Using his magic, the Spriggan 12 were forced to yield or face death. Then he challenged the young Emperor to a bloody duel. After ten paces, Bryan dodged a black orb that was thrown towards him and quickly counterattacked. Sharp metallic shards were blown towards Spriggan in a spell called IRON DEVIL: RAGE. Of course, the Emperor survived so the King of Fiore upped his game. He used his Adamantine Iron Devil Slayer mode to kill the Emperor, which was a success. Spriggan was impaled to death by millions of deadly sharp metallic shards. Then he placed an inept nobleman on the throne. Thus the Four Hundred Years' War was over.

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