Legend 4

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Your name is [Y/N] McCain. You are currently a teenager and live with your grandparents and great-uncles and great-aunts in Latium. Your parents died when you were a small child, so the town's mayor gave you to your grandparents and their siblings. Both your mother and your father's parents came from a line of nobles from Ireland, a country in the northern continent of Europe. The current head of your family mansion was you, so that's why you were in Hargeon. You had to go to the market to trade your grandmother's tapestry in return for bread,milk, and meat. You've returned home only to discover one thing...
...someone or something destroyed your hometown. Buildings were black with ash and the streets were filled with dead bodies, hence the scent of death. You walked to your house, only to discover it was trashed. Your grandparents and great-uncles and aunts were killed by someone. So you asked around for who was responsible. They told you it was the Government. The King was jealous of your potential for being the continent's richest, so he ordered his men to trash your house and hometown, killing all you held dear in your heart. You buried your relatives and then left in search of a worthy teacher. Eventually, you found one in the mountains. It was a Dragon who introduced himself as Thor, the Lightning Dragon King (雷竜王). For years, you trained in Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic, then one day, you unlocked Dragon Force. The trigger was your anger at the King for murdering your family. Then you eventually mastered Royal Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic, one of the most powerful Slayer Magics of all. With that, Thor told you there's nothing more he can teach, so you parted ways. Months went by, and you found another teacher. This time, it was a Demon who introduced himself as Odysseus, the Ethereal and Water Demon King. Under his wing, you mastered Aether Devil Slaying magic and Water Devil Slaying magic. Then, you parted ways again after Odysseus asked you to make him proud. How you will do it will be revealed soon.
To be continued...

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