Chapter 17

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Craving for Korean Beef Tartare with Fresh Truffle, Taehyung had blackmailed Jimin into going out for lunch with him.

"Jimin-ssi." A woman dressed elegantly approached them.

"Oh, CEO Song." Jimin stood to greet her. The said CEO looked at Taehyung across the table.

"Hello CEO Song." Taehyung greeted her too. "Your latest cosmetics collection was amazing."

"Thank you Taehyung-ssi, can I seat with you while I wait for my husband?" she asked, and the two omegas immediately agreed.

"Yes, I've been using them for years." he smiled.

"Is that so?" She raised her eyebrows but smiled. "Too bad you didn't accept our offer for the commercial. You were our first choice but since you didn't want to, we are still looking for a suitable model, not those new faces your CEO were pushing."

"CEO Song," Taehyung realized what had happened. "How can I reject something that has not reached me? I would have said yes in a heartbeat."

Then the CEO also had a hunch on what has transpired. "Here's my card." The CEO took her card from her purse. "My husband is here." she waved her hand. "I do not know what exactly had happened, but we really want to work with you. I will hold to what you have said, about saying yes. Call me, and let's talk about it." Then she stood up and went to her waiting husband.

"That scum never fails to amaze me." Jimin gritted his teeth.


"What do you mean he will do the SHK Cosmetics commercial?" Bogum slammed his palms on the table. "And why do I just been informed just now?! I'm the company's CEO!"

"CEO Song personally reached out to the Chairman and the Board Members CEO-nim." Mr. Lee stood stiffly in front of the CEO. "She left them with two choices, either beg Taehyung to accept and do the commercial, or she will let the media know about the mistreatment of the company and intentionally blocking his resources."

"Kim Taehyung!" He clenched his fists. "How did she even know about it?"

"I don't know the details CEO-nim, but she warned them that if they don't convince and make sure Taehyung to do the commercial, she will not let it slide." Mr. Lee's office phone rang and excused himself.

"The board of directors wants to have a meeting with you Sir." Mr. Lee came back knocking on Bogum's office.

"They what now?" Bogum raised his eyebrows. "And what would be their agenda?"

"News about Taehyung doing the SHK Cosmetics made the other brands that he 'Apparently Rejected' reached out to him and when he said that he is not aware about those offers, the CEOs and spokespersons contacted the Chairman and the board members and demanded an explanation. They are questioning the company's credibility."

"This is all Taehyung's fault!" He swiped his table. "Tell them I'm not feeling well and went home." He picked up his bag and suit jacket and went out the building. Mr. Lee just sighed; he knows they will not believe that blatant lie.

Upon reaching his car, he heard his phone ring.

-Chairman Park-

He knows why his calling, he doesn't want to answer but he knows he will get in more trouble if he declines it, so he answered it on the fifth ring.

"I heard your sick." The chairman spoke.

"Abeoji- {cough} umm" he tried faking it. But his father knows better.

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