Chapter 73: Darling

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Here's another chapter! I could really use some one shot requests and just some comments from you guys, I love talking with you and hearing what you think!

Gina's POV
"Ricky, where are we?" I asked him.

"Welcome to our date."

"Ricky! How did you do this?"

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"Ricky! How did you do this?"

"I may or may not have gotten our friends to set this up. That's why I got the rental car and everyone else in the other car."

"You're amazing."

"I know. Now come on, take a seat."

"I will. On one condition."


"Can I move my chair next to yours."

"Absolutely, I would love that."

"Thanks for doing this, Ricky."

"Well, it's nice for me, too, but you're welcome."

3rd person
They just sat together, the silence was comfortable, and there was occasional banter as they ate.

When they were done eating, Ricky did a few things to clean up, refusing the help of his girlfriend.

They went on a quiet stroll together, hand in hand, just sharing the view of the starlit sky.

"You know," Gina started softly, "ever since I was thirteen years old, all I wanted was a boy that would hold my hand." (this is so me 😭)

"Yeah?" Ricky asked.

"It wasn't that I was so insecure with my appearance that I thought I could never get a boyfriend. But I never lived anywhere long enough to make those kind of relationships. I love you, Ricky."

"And I love you, Gina, is something wrong? This seems like it's leading to something bad."

"Nothing's wrong. Are you ready to head back? I'm getting sleepy..."

"Yeah, let's go."


"You do seem very exhausted, my love." Ricky scooped Gina into his arms a few minutes into their walk back.

"Ricky!" Gina squealed in his hold.

"I can carry you the rest of the way, my darling."

"That's my favorite, by the way."

"What is?"

"Darling. That's my favorite little name you call me." 

"Well, I love that one too, Darling. I'll make sure to use it more,...darling."

"You're so sweet."

A few minutes into the drive, Ricky felt Gina's hand fall limp. He was driving with one hand, holding Gina's with his other. He looked over at her and saw her sleeping peacefully.

They reached the hotel, and he picked her up gently to carry her inside.

"I love you, Darling."

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