Chapter 8: First Day

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Kourtney's POV
It's the day after Christmas, and I just got back to my house with Nini after going to Ricky's apartment.

"So what'd you want to talk about?" Nini asks, flopping on her bed.

"I wanted to tell you about my plans for college."

"Ooh, what are you thinking?"

"I'm between Princeton University and Lewis. Princeton is an Ivy, but that kind of feels like that's it. Lewis could do so much for me, but Princeton is an Ivy. I think I know what I want to do! Thanks, Neen!"

"I didn't do anything, but you're welcome...I guess?"

•••Ricky's POV•••

"Quinn called earlier." Gina told me.

"Oh, Gi, what did she have to say?

"She wants me at my trailer at 6 AM on January 2nd."

"God, Gina, that's early. Where are you filming anyway?"

"The trailers are gonna be at the East High parking lot again, but we're filming mostly at these two houses across from the school."

"Okay. Want me to drop you off?"

"Oh, Ricky, you'd seriously have to wake up at like 5:30, you don't have to do that."

"I want to, Gina. Please just let me."

She sighs. "Okay, Ricky."

"Great! Thanks, Gi?"

•••January 1st, 12:04 AM•••

"Happy New Year, Gina Porter." We're currently in the East High parking lot watching the New Year's fireworks.

"Happy New Year, Ricky Bowen."

"So tomorrow's the day, huh?"

"Romeo and Juliet? Yep."

"You got!"

•••the next morning•••
Gina's POV

"Knock, knock! Good morning...Juliet."

"Ricky?" I sit up and rub my eyes.

"Time to get ready, and then I'll drive you to your trailer."


"Wow." I say, stepping into the parking lot.

"Yeah. Oh look, there's yours." Ricky points to a trailer with Gina on it.

"Gina. Gina!" It's Quinn. Great.

"Hi. Ricky, we've decided to be more flexible this time around, if you want to hang with Gina in her trailer...we'll allow it."

"Wow, thank you, Quinn." I said looking over to Ricky.

"You're welcome, Gina." Quinn crossed her arms.

"Thank you for being here, Ricky."

"You're a star, Gina, you know that."

"Aww, you're sweet. You know you are too."

"I just hope you'll always be my shining star." He said.

"You don't have to worry about that."

"Gina, we need you in hair and makeup for some tests!" Maddox called.

"Okay!" I lowered my voice. "I love you."

"Love you too." Ricky kissed me. "I'll see you for school tomorrow."

•••Ten minutes later•••

"G-Force? Can I come in?"


"Yeah, Mack, come on in!"

"Hey. Excited for the scene today?"

"Yeah, it looks good. When are we heading over?"

"It looks like we're leaving to rehearse on location in like, ten minutes."

"Okay, great." I took a breath. Even after being in HSM 4, the for at scene of the day always freaks me out.

"Main cast, we're heading over now!" Maddox called.

"Or I guess now." Mack shrugged.

•••on set•••

"Okay, Mack, Gina, we're going to rehearse the opening scene. Gina, you are on the white balcony to the right. Mack you're on the brown one to the left."

Krystal, the choreographer, posed us on our designated balcony, and we ran the first scene.

That night, I was finally done at 9:45 PM, and ready to walk back home, when I saw an orange car.

"Ricky Bowen." I muttered under my breath.

"Hey, G." He walked towards me, and wrapped his arms around my waist. "How was your day?"

"It was good, very different than HSM 4, but it was fun. I'm just really, really tired and I have to go back tomorrow."

"It'll work out, Gina. Now let's get you home."

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