Chapter 70: Perfect (Prom!)

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Ricky's POV
"Andy? Wowza, you look great."

"Thanks, Red."


"Do I look okay?"

"You look incredible. Your hair looks amazing, Gina."

"Thank you. It means a lot, knowing this is my natural hair, that you have like it."

"And that's an understatement. Should we take pictures?"

"Let's do it."


When we arrived and walked into the dance, a song was already playing.

A Thousand Years by Christina Perry was playing.

"Sounds like you and me."


"Wanna dance, Miss Porter."

"I'd love to, Mr. Bowen."

Heart beats fast, colors and promises

How to brave, how can I love when I'm afraid

To fall, but watching you stand alone

All of my doubts, suddenly go away some how

One step closer

Gina takes a step closer to Ricky, placing her hands on his shoulders.

I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years

Ricky and Gina glance at each other knowingly. Everyone was slow dancing, but they knew what to do.

I'll love you for a thousand more

They broke out into their waltz from HSM 3. The couple found their way to the center of the room, and everyone danced around them.

And all along I believed I would find you

It took them a long time to figure out their feelings for each other. But they did, and here they are.

That's all that mattered. They were all that mattered in this moment.

And the same applied to all the other couples in the room.

Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

They would love each other in life and death.

•••3rd person•••

Nini stood awkwardly in a corner. She didn't have a date to prom, and the was okay. But little Nini always thought she would have a date.

She was so, so happy for Gina and Ricky, but little Nini always pictured herself dancing at prom.

With Ricky.

"Neen? Can I have this dance?"

"Ricky? You're with Gina, I can't."

"She told me to. I'll always love you, Nini."

"Yeah. Yeah, let's dance."

"You'll find your person, Neen Bean. You will."

Ricky's POV
I think that dancing with Nini helped her be more comfortable just asking to dance with somebody. She went off afterwards and danced with Jack, who was happy to accept.

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