Chapter 61: Best Boyfriend Ever

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Thanks so much for 12,000! I'm going back to school tomorrow but am trying to update very often still!

Ricky's POV
So it turns out we did not hang out one on one the next day. We were going to meet at the park with Kourtney, Jet, Maddox, Ashlyn, Carlos, Seb, Big Red, Jack, and Nini.

I at least get a little time with Gina one on one because we decided to have me pick her up and then we walk there together.

"Hi." I smiled at her as she opened the front door.

"Good morning." She waved.

"How'd you sleep?" I questioned.

"Good. I dreamed about a certain Ricky Bowen."

"Ooh, ditto. Well, not about me, about you- Ugh you get it."

"Yeah, I do!" She laughed and then smiled looking down.

"What?" I asked, lifting up her chin with a finger.

"Hold my hand?" She asked.

"I could do that...or I could do this!" Then I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

"Ricky! God, I don't...I don't hate it," I heard her mutter.

"Well, onward my Princess!" I said in a mock British accent.


"Oh look. The cutest couple's arrived." Carlos said in monotone.

"We've arrived." I whispered, placing her on the ground.

"You two are adorable." Nini smirked walking by.

"Want to sit?" I asked her.


So we walked over to the large picnic tables under a tree and sat near Ashlyn and Maddox.

"Hey, guys." Maddox smiled.

"Hey! How are you two?"

"We're good." Ashlyn said, placing their hands together on the table.

"I'm glad. I love you two together." I said.

"Wow, Ricky Bowen directing the word love at someone beside Gina or his parents?" Maddox looked at Ashlyn playfully.

"Yeah, that's unheard of!" Ash joked.

"Come on, guys!" I whined.

"Admit it, Ricky. You're head over heels for me." Gina joked.

"Okay, maybe you're right. And I have no shame. I'm shameless!" I said, referencing that one day at camp that Gina wanted to do the wildcat cheer with Corbin.

"And that's why I love you." Gina whispered.

"So, Ricky, Gina texted me. You asked her to prom?" Ashlyn asked.

"Yep. I didn't want to do one of those crazy promposals. Sometimes we need those moments that are just ours."

"Just Ricky and me." Gina finishes my thought.

"You two are too cute."

"Hey, we're ordering stuff, do you want some food?" I nudged Gina as people started going off into other conversations and to other tables.
She had a strange, uncomfortable look on her face.

Gina's POV
"I'm okay. My stomach's feeling a little off." I responded to Ricky's question.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"I think I'm actually gonna run to the bathroom real quick."

I stood up from the table, and Ricky immediately took my hips in his hands, turning me to face him once again. He tied his sweatshirt around me.


"Period, go clean up." He mouthed.

I immediately turned red and ran off towards the bathroom.

Nini's POV
I noticed Gina go from completely fine to beat red and uncomfortable. She ran off to the bathroom, and couldn't help but notice Ricky's sweatshirt wrapped around her waist. She always wears his things or leaves them off, not halfway.

Oh! She got her period. Ricky used to always help me out when that happened to me. When I got my first period in 7th grade, he was totally cool about it and lent me his sweatshirt.

I decided to follow Gina and see if she needed anything.

"Gina, you in here?" I asked, entering the bathroom.

"Y-yeah. I can't talk right now, Nini." I heard a sniffle.

"I came to see if you were okay. I couldn't help but notice the signs, Ricky used to help me with this. Do you need anything?"

"D-do, you have any pads?" She asked.

"Yeah, here." I dug through my small bag, finding a couple pads and handing them to her so she'd have on for later.

"Thanks." She came out a moment later with streaks of tears on her face. She washed her hands, very thoroughly I will say, and then opened her arms for a hug.

"How are you feeling? You get it bad?"

"Yeah, cramps suck."

"God, yes they do. Come on, let's go back."

Ricky's POV
"Hey, Gina, you okay?" I asked as she returned.

"I'm fine. Thanks for helping me out."

"You're would've figured it out, but you're welcome. And you don't have to embarrassed. At all. And I don't mean just with me, with all of us. You would've been fine without my sweatshirt wrapped around you."

"It's just weird, you know? How do you not find it absolutely disgusting?" She asked, sitting down and leaning into my arms.

"It's natural. I grew up with Nini, Kourtney, and Big Red as my close friends. Plus my parents did get along and at one point were considering having a second child, so...I get it. And I love you."

"I love you too."


"So do you want to be alone through this, or do you want some company today?" I asked Gina. It was only around three when we left the park, so there was lots of day left.

"I'd love some time with the best boyfriend in existence if he's able?"

"For you, he always is."


"Thank you, Ricky." I had just wiped her makeup off and she had changed into some of the sweats she stole for me. Now she was tucked under probably four or five blankets on her bed.

"What else can I get for you?"

"Some cuddles?"

"Of course. Anything you need before I get in?"

"Could you plug in that heating pad? I'll put it on in a while."

"You've got it. So how are you feeling?" I asked getting in beside her.

"I've definitely felt better. But it's not the least yet."

"Well that's good. Want to watch a movie?"


So we spent the day watching movies, and I tried to be the best boyfriend ever.

Puppy Love {Rina fanfic, COMPLETED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin