Chapter 54: Cryptic

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I'm listening to Carole King (Tapestry) right now. I'm on track 8, Where You Lead ❤️

Gina's POV
I sat in my room that night thinking. Was what Nini said true?

If I was once a bad person, or at least not great, does that mean I can never change or be better?

"Gina? I can't wait to see you shine out there tomorrow, Baby."

"Thanks, Mom. I love you, goodnight."

"Night, Sweetie."

Ding ding

Ricky: Wanna be holding you ❤️

Gina: Mmm I wish 💕

Ricky: Come over tomorrow at noon with everything you need for the show. You can have lunch with me and I'll drive you. We can get a few hours of snuggles before then.

Gina: I think I need some alone time tomorrow. Can I come a little later? Maybe 2?

Ricky: yeah, ofc. Are you ok?

Gina: I'm terrific, just digesting something the girls were talking about today.

Ricky: was it mean??

Gina: No, just kind of tough could say

Ricky: About you specifically???

Gina: not really, but I did feel a tad bit targeted. I don't know.

Ricky: well I love you

Gina: and I love you

Ricky: goodnight my sweetheart

Gina: Gn 👶❤️

I still want to know if it's true. I can never be a good person?

•••Ricky's POV•••
I heard a knock at my door and smiled. It was 1:48, not quite 2 o'clock yet.

"Hey, Gi." I pulled her into a loose hug as she entered.

"Hi, Ricky." She laid her ear against my chest.

"You excited for tonight?"

"Mhm. And the cast party should be fun. Plus, the girls are having a sleepover after, so that should be..."

"Fun?" I prompted her with a word.

"I was gonna say interesting, but yes. That word."

"Okay..?" What was going on with her since last night? "Want to get those snuggles in? We've got to leave in, like two hours."

"Snuggles it is." She agreed.

We made our way to my bedroom, and when I laid down, she immediately threw herself beside me and snuggled into me, hooking a leg around mine.

"Hello there." I laughed. She usually took a few minutes to become comfortable.

"Hi." She said, snuggling into me, and her chest rubbing against me.

"Want me to put something on the tv?"


"Want Mark and Spark."

"That's okay, put something else on."

"Okay." I selected a random Disney movie, knowing we would probably pay no attention to it.

I wrapped my arm around her waist, rubbing her back and therefore smoothing her wrinkled shirt.

"Ricky, am I a bad person?" She suddenly blurted.

"What? Of course not, why would you ask that?"

"Like, if I used to do bad stuff, I can never take that back or change, right?"

"You can't take it back, but bad actions don't make you a bad person with no hope to improve. We wouldn't be together now if you were a bad person, or if I was. Now what made you think of that? Who?"

"Nothing, no one. It just comes up in my mind sometimes."

"If you say so."


"Closing night!" Maddox shouted.

"Let's all send our good wishes to Gina! It's her first night playing this part, while all of you had yesterday, so- wait where's Gina? Ricky, do you know?"

"No, I have no clue."

"She's in the bathroom." Ashlyn cut in. "Getting ready."

"That's what we have the dressing room for."

"Well she also just needed to go to the bathroom."

"Alright. Well you're all wonderful and you've got this! Make today even better than yesterday!"

Everyone spread our, but I walked over to Ashlyn.

"Is Gina okay?"

"She's just a little nervous. And she's a little preoccupied thinking about something else."

"Okay, seriously, what went down with you girls yesterday?"

"Nothing? A lot? I don't know." Ashlyn shrugged.

"What happened?"

"The conversation just became sort of strange, and Gina felt attacked. But that wasn't the intention at all, I promise."

"Okay, Ashlyn, I trust you. But I don't know if I trust all the other girls as much."

"It's understandable. I mean, seeing their girlfriend upset does that to a person."

"Thanks, Ash."

She didn't say anything else, just patted my shoulder and walked off.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late." Gina rushed in seeming a bit out of breath.

"Hey, you okay?" I approached her slowly.

"Yeah I just- I just had a panic attack in the bathroom, it's not big deal." She pointed her thumb towards the door.

"What do you mean 'it's no big deal' are you alright?" I asked, concern present in my voice.

"I'm fine. It was just a momentary thing."

"Gina, really, can I get you anything?"

"Maybe a hug?"

"Absolutely. Anything else?" I asked. I pulled away, leaving my hands on the the back of her shoulders.

"A kiss?"

I grabbed her hand and walked her to a less busy corner, leaning in and kissing her quickly.

"You'll get more later. At the party."

She smiled, red creeping up her neck.

"Sounds good. Break a leg!"

"You too."


"Oh, hi Nini. How are you?" Gina stiffened and shifted her feet uncomfortably. What happened?

"I'm good. I brought you your more important card. Break a leg tonight!"

"Nini, wait- that thing you said yesterday, was that directed towards me?"

"No, not at all, why- oh. I'm so sorry, I guess it slipped out that way. Let's talk later, okay? I have some reassuring to do."

"Okay." Gina said, standing frozen. Nini clutched Gina suddenly in a hug.

"I'm sorry."

"Wait is that what your cryptic message was about last night? What'd she say?"

"Yes, and I'll tell you later. Break a leg!"

Thank you all for almost 10,000 reads in just a few weeks. I'm going back to school on Tuesday, but will try and update almost as often as I am now! Please send in your requests for one shots, and keep sending those kind and encouraging comments!

1,000 words!

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