Chapter 60: Can I Have This Dance?

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I can't believe we've gotten to chapter 60 in less than 4 weeks!

Gina's POV
"Gina." I felt my shoulder being shook lightly. "Wake up, Babygirl."

"Ricky?" I mumbled. "Ricky!" I jumped up, pulling him into a hug.

"Hey, Gi. I heard about last night, it was tough, huh?"

"Yeah. But I've got you now." I said, patting his curls.

"I need to talk to you. I saw a paper from your journal. You left it on my bed. I'm sorry if you didn't want me to read it."

"It's okay, Ricky. I'm guessing you saw the date? I knew what I was doing leaving it there 'by accident'."

"Yeah, I saw the date. I'd be surprised that you wrote you love me, but you wrote it in my hat back on Thanksgiving."

"Where are the girls?" I asked.

"Their making breakfast and wanted to let you sleep since you had a pretty restless night compared to them. But those things you wrote Gina, so sweet. Made me a little sad too. I didn't know how much your heart was hurting."

"It was a rocky time. But now I have you. My favorite person."

"And you're mine."


"Enjoy your girls day. I'll see y'all later!" Ricky says at the door.

"Goodbye, Ricky." I look him dead in the eyes from the other side of the room.

"Okay, one more." He runs over and kisses me. "Mwah! Love you."

"I love you."

"You really do love him." Maddox says.

"How could I not? He's so sweet, and treats me so well. Anyway, what's for breakfast?"

"Made pancakes. My Mom's recipe." Emmy said.

"Oh nice."


The girls spent all day together, and then Ricky picked me up at nine o'clock. I insisted that he didn't need to pick me up so late, but he insisted that he was going to do it.

"I don't want to say goodbye to you again so soon." I told him as he drove down the road.

"I know. Hang out tomorrow? Just you and me?"

"Absolutely. And then the career fair Monday. Wait, Ricky, you missed my road."

"I know. Don't worry, I got permission from your mom."

"To miss my road so we get an extra two minutes together..?" I asked, assuming he was about to turn around in some driveway.

"No. To bring you stargazing with me in a treehouse."

"What?" I laughed.

"Welcome to my secret hiding spot."

"What is this place?" I asked stepping out of the car.

"Nini's treehouse wasn't the only one I grew up in. She never came here, none of my friends did. This is reserved for a certain Porter."

"Aww. Some moments are just for us."

"Well said. Now come on. Ladies first."

"Okay...what's this for, Ricky?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like why today?"

"Okay. I was planning on waiting for a few more minutes, but I guess I'll do this today."

"What are you talking about?" I laughed a little concerned.

"Gina Porter. You have been such an inspiration to me since our very first weeks together. You're ambition and knowledge has helped me figure out who I want to be and thanks to you I can go to college. I guess what I want to say is, there's no one else I'd rather do have these special moments and memories and jokes with. So, Gina, I got these." He pulled out two tickets.

East High Senior Prom
June 2nd

"I've never been asked to a dance, but this kind of sounds like an invitation." I smiled, quoting HSM 3.

"Do you think we'll have to waltz, because until a few months ago I had no clue how to do that."

"I'd love to waltz with you."

"So you'll come to prom with me?"

"Yes. God, yes, why would I say no?" I lunged forward, taking him into a hug. He laughed, a bit surprised. "I didn't think I would ever have a boyfriend in high school. With moving around so much and not thinking I was enough, I never thought I'd go to a prom with anyone."

"Well you're enough for me."

"Ricky, I do have junior prom too. Will you be too embarrassed to go to that?"

"Do I need to have two different suits?"

"No. I'll wear the same dress."

"Have you picked one?"

"No. I'd love your help."

"Great. Now let's enjoy the evening, Porter."

"You got it, Bowen."

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