Chapter 65: You're the Best, Porter

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Nini's POV
"Do you have any unresolved feelings for either of your exes?" Everyone looked at me curiously.

"Yes." I finally said. Gina looked a bit uncomfortable. "But not for the reason you think. I don't want the relationship back, but I would change the way things ended possibly. I guess a better word is dissatisfied."

"Okay." Maddox nodded.

"Emmy?" I asked.

"Dare. One hundred percent."


"Gina, truth or dare?" Kourtney asked me.


"Before you came to East High, did you date anyone?"

"No." She answered immediately. "Ask a better truth, that one's too boring for you guys."

"Wow, generous." Ashlyn chuckled.

"Do you think you and Ricky will stay together forever?" Kourtney asked.

"I- I hope so. But you never know."

"Well, I, for one believe in you two." Ashlyn said, lightening the mood.

"Thanks." Gina muttered.


Later, Kourt, Emmy, and Ash were all downstairs getting some movie snacks. Gina and I sat side by side on her bed, and I looked over to her bed stand which held a picture frame with her and Ricky in it.



"For the record, I think you and Ricky have an amazing relationship that is worth fighting for to last."

"Thanks, Nini, I-"

"No, really. He looks at you in a way he never looked at me. He loves you so much, Gina."

"I know. I didn't always. But I do now."

"Hi, deep convo girlies, we're back." Ash said awkwardly.

"I do too. Ricky cares about you, Gina. He looks at you in a way that he never did to me."


"And I'm content with that now. I'm really fighting for you guys."

"Thanks, Nini. It means a lot, believe me."

"I know, Gina. I love you."

"I love you too."

•••3 AM•••
Gina's POV

R: You up??

G: Yeah, why are you?

R: Can't sleep. You?

G: my mind's busy, you knew I'd be awake anyway

R: You usually are around now, want to call??

G: Who's house are you at? Will they care??

R: Dad's. Nothing wakes that man up. My mom seriously struggled to wake him up when I was slipping out of her.

G: TMI, Richard. Have you ever heard about limits??

R: I thought you were the love of my life and I could tell you anything, but- whatever, wanna call and talk???? Please!!!

G: Fine, and you can tell me anything, my Baby.

I got out of bed as quietly as possible, and walked over to the window. I could just sit outside and talk to him from the roof.

"Gina?" I heard Nini's soft whisper.

"I'm so sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, I was awake. What're you doing?"

"I need to make a call."


"How'd you guess? Are we that obvious?"

"You guys are definitely that kind of couple, and I'm here for it."

"Your person will come."

"I know. Thanks, Gina, I appreciate it."

"I appreciate you."

"You are the best, Porter."

Puppy Love {Rina fanfic, COMPLETED}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя