Chapter 37: Surprise!

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Gina's POV
Ashlyn pulls up to her house. It was surprisingly dark, quiet, and still. It was different than usual.

As we walked into the house, the lights flicked on, and I heard dozens of screams.


Ricky's POV

"W-what?" Gina took a few steps back, clearly surprised. She puts her hands over her mouth and I see tears gathering in her eyes.

"G-gina? What's wrong?" I step towards her.

"No one's ever done anything like this for me before." She cried, smiling.

"Aww, Gina." Carlos steps forward and takes her into his arms.

"Thank you, guys. I didn't think any of you knew it was my birthday."

"Of course we do." I said, stepping closer to her and then whispering. "It'd be pretty bad if your boyfriend didn't know your birthday, don't you think?"

She laughed, nuzzling her head into my neck. "God, I love you."

"Excuse me, cutest couple ever, we're still here." Carlos reminded us.

Gina laughed, as we turned to face them and I pulled her into my side.

"Let's party!" Nini broke the ice.


We all sat on the couches and in chairs. Gina and I were cuddled together and I was rubbing my hand up and down her arm.

"Thank you." She said.

"Don't worry about it. You've earned this. How was work?"

"It was good. The questions asked were a little TMI, but it's okay."

"Gina, you don't have to answer any questions that make you uncomfortable, okay?"

"I know, Ricky. Thanks."

"Who wants cake?" Ashlyn stepped in with a vanilla cake.

"Me!" I shouted, and Gina chuckled. "I mean, get it for the birthday girl first."

"Thank you, Ashlyn. White cake is my favorite."


"Now on to some gifty-gifts." Ashlyn sang.

"Here you go, Gina." Carlos handed over a bag first.

Gina looked at him gratefully, and leaned into my arm a bit, which subconsciously snaked around her waist.

She carefully opened the bag, and pulled out what was inside of it.

"Oh, Carlos." She laughed, though their were still tears streaks streaming down her face. "Thank you."

"What is it?" Everyone asked.

"The Big Book of Broadway." Gina chuckled. "It's an inside joke." She waves her hand in the air.

Next, she opened Big Red's gift. He gave her a $100 Slices gift card.

"Big Red! You did not have to do that!" She laughed in disbelief.

"Nah. You deserve it."

"Thank you." She stood up and took him in a hug. "I love you, Big Red."

"I love you too, Gina."

Seb came next.

"Here you go, Gina. I got you this small tree that you should plant at home."

"Thank you, Sebbie." Gina hugged him.

She ended up getting new shoes from Kourtney, new Polaroid film from Maddox, chocolates from Nini, a Rockin' Risotto gift card from EJ, a Jack got her a paper airplane for some reason, Mack got her a mug that said G-Force, Jet got her a stuffed duck, and Emmy got her the Wicked CD.

Ashlyn had gotten her this whole self care package which I could tell made Gina emotional. They had a special relationship, those two. It's not a surprise that Gina only shares her problems with Ashlyn and a couple of others.

"Ricky? You ready?" Ashlyn said.

"Yeah. Gina, I just want you to know that I care about you so much and love you more than you could imagine. You're an inspiration for me, and I admire everything about you. You're intelligent, talented, caring, beautiful, and everyday I learn new things from you and aspire to be more like you. So, I got you a couple other things that I'll give you if we hangout one on one soon, but this is what I have for you today. Ashlyn, bring him in!"

And in came a golden retriever.

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