𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1

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Not again , I thought as I woke up sweating and out of breath. For as long as I can remember I've always had the same dream of the same words in and endless cycle , going over-and-over agin.I use to try and understand what they meant but always came up with nothing so I eventually gave up.
As the morning light seeped in through my cream white curtains, I relished in my thoughts for the plans of today
I got up and took a long, hot shower hoping to perhaps calm my head and try to forget about my ever-lasting nightmare.

"Nevarah sweetie, are you up yet?"asked my mom from downstairs.
"Yes mom. I'll be down in a second."
I finished dressing up with a pair of brown sneakers, beige sweater and high waist straight leg pants.

"There's breakfast on the table, your dad will be here soon."
My mom and dad had me when they were young. From what they shared ,they were high school sweethearts and dated for a while in college but it didn't last.
I took some pancakes which mom often made with straberries and chocolate and today was no different... deliciously perfect.
As I heard the car hooting outside , I gathered my bag and berry smoothie to head out.
"Remember to tie your hair up!" shouted mom from the living room,"I will."

I tied my hair with a light brown scrunchie which contrasted my hair.
I had an unknown condition where I was born with white hair, hilarious considering my mom is African and my dad is Spaniard- no white hair genes detected. We visited many specialists but none could find what was wrong with me , some suggested my hair would eventually gain pigmentation but it never did; I woke up everyday with the same Snow White hair. Hence the name 'Nevarah' which means 'to snow" in Spanish ,representing my unique hair colour.
I also had an African name to represent my African roots, which I was very proud of by the way, Nobomi , which means life. So in full I am Nevarah Nobomi 'Nevie' Eira Arćon.
I still don't know why I was named Eira though but mom always told me it is a name that was cherished by our family and she would tell me why when the time came...the time has still not come, at this point I'm not even sure I'll ever find out and that was destroying when my mind was so curious about everything.

The drive to school was silent other than the business call my dad was on, something about securing a big investor. I got out the car when we arrived at school , without a goodbye-making a mental note to text him later.

My unique hair meant I didn't have that many friends as everyone thought my condition was contagious and didn't really seem normal in our community.
Embermore is not your typical town. It was beautiful at the very least with a loving and caring community-if you weren't 'Snow White' of course but they were very uptight when darkness came ,for in the dark shadows there were lurking creatures always looking for their next prey, which is why there is a town curfew.

As I swapped my books in my locker , my bestie in the whole wide world hugged me from behind. "You're crushing me to death," I exaggerated as I turned towards her. "Don't be so dramatic," commented Nezifaa as she slightly hit my arm.
We walked together to CHEM and sat at the back ,as usual.

"So how was your weekend?" asked Nez. "Boring as usual. Dad had another business trip to attend." "Sorry, I know you were looking forward to your weekend with him."
"It's cool, probably should have expected the disappointment."

"Alright settle down!" shouted Ms.Evans as she walked in, looking as stylish as always,"We have a new student joining us."
As she gestured towards the door, a tall figure walked in." I hope you help make his experience wonderful,uhmm..." "Malachai Thanatos," he spoke as his dark,mysterious,grey eyes met mine. Little did I know those very mysterious eyes were the answer to my mystery.

"Who is Malachi Thanatos?"

𝑆𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎWhere stories live. Discover now