𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 20

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"A dance m'lady?"
Neeina looked back at me , as though wondering if she would be making the right decision. "Go on. You are the one who said tonight was about potential suitors, did you not? Commence. Enjoy yourself," I motivated her.

"I would be honoured," she replied. He took her hand and led her gracefully to the ballroom's dance floor, where many gathered, ready for the next dance to begin. My eyes could not help but land on Celeste in the middle of the ballroom standing alongside Aithan.

Caught in conversation, though Aithan's gaze seemed to be deflected from Her Grace and rather interested in something else. Or rather, should I say, someone else.

I glanced behind me, hoping that I was probably imagining things. That would he the only plausible thing, that there was someone else behind me. Only when I turned behind me, there was no one.
And it was clear that he was looking at me.
This should not be happening, and yet some part of me was rather enticed, infatuated by the gesture.

"May I have this dance?" asked a voice. I had been so distracted that I did not notice the gentleman beside me, approaching me.
I had seen my fair count of rather good-looking folks of the opposite gender , but this stud. Goodness. He looked absolutely breathtaking. Realising that I had spent my fair share practically gawking at the man, I finally replied.
"I would be delighted."

He guided me to the dance floor, my hand placed above his palm, which felt rough and coarse, which conveyed that he was a soldier because they just screamed the call of war. Though there was a softness to them as he held my hand gently on his.

We stood on the floor, amongst the other partnered guests, only to realise that Celeste and Aithan were right beside us. And he looked rather quite bothered of the sight if his jaw clenched was anything to go by. I was rather enticed by his reaction,  though he had no right to feel this way. He was to marry, and I ,for one, would not be the mistress waiting around from him to get back from his duties, probably to get an heir out of her. I was to settle down someday and have children of my own. Bring honour to my family. That was the reason why I was here to begin with, to fulfil my family duties, not to fool around with engaged men.

The melody began as the orchestra played on their musical instruments, bringing me out of my thoughts. "You know you could have denied if you did not wish to dance," commented Lord Heurta. I had learnt that from my dance card, which was signed, Heurta." What makes you think that I do not wish to dance?" I asked as our hands met in arms length space between us. "Nothing other than how occupied you have seemed during the entirety of the time proir our dance and the beginning of our dance," he replied. "Forgive me. It has been a long week, and I often find myself drifting off in thought. I would understand if you would rather dance with someone else," I stated as our bodies met, his hands on my waist. "I do not think that will be necessary. I think I have the perfect dance partner right here. And I hope you will let me help you forget of all that is troubling you right now," he spoke. And he did.

Our dance made me snap out of my troubling thoughts but rather focus on this moment here. Downright, I say I enjoyed myself. It was the most enjoyment I had found myself in since everything happened with Aithan distancing himself. In that moment, it was me, the music, and the company of Lord Heurta.

As the melody began to slow, predicting the end of the music, I drifted out of the moment. "That was marvellous. Thank you, Lord Heurta," I said as I slightly bowed my head. "Please call me Mateo. And it was an absolute pleasure. I was right about having the perfect dance partner," he commented as we made our way off the floor. " I hope I will meet my lady again. Lady Arćon," he said as he began to make his way out.

"Well, well ,well. You seemed to have enjoyed yourself. If the guests reaction is anything to go by, even I must say that dance you two displayed was beautiful. Do you not agree, Cirilla?" asked Neeina. " And I think someone else thinks so too," she taunted. "What are you spewing about now?" I inquired. It seems I had not noticed that they had left the floor and he was approaching our station.

𝑆𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎWhere stories live. Discover now