𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 15

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I had never seen anything quite like this. Sure, we had beautiful landscapes in Embermore, but nothing could possibly compare the breathtaking scenery of "The World of All." Andizange ndiyibone into engaqhelekanga ngolu hlobo (I have never seen anything so extraordinary), I thought to myself as I held onto.

"It is rather magnificent,is it not?" he asked as he guided our ride, Rhea, if I'm not mistaken, in the clouded empyrean. We flew through the clouds, high above the land, taking in the lightly cool breeze in the air.
"This feels amazing," I said as I dragged my fingers through the clouds.

Never in my life had I imagined that I would be high up in the air , riding a ginormous snow owl with him. The past few weeks have been quite a roller coaster. I found out that supernaturals exist. I'm part of a family of supernatural hunters, and my soulmate is the vampire prince. Oh, and let's not forget that we are supposedly linked to some ancient prophecy. Yep, welcome to my life.

We landed in the middle of the snowy wilderness of the winter forest. The winter forest embraced us with a hush of falling snowflakes, each one a delicate whisper. Trees, adorned in glistening frost, stood like silent sentinels, their branches holding secrets of seasons past. The air sparkled with an icy magic, and as we got off Rhea,hand in hand ,and stepped on the crisp snow. The world seemed to pause, inviting us into a tranquil dance with nature's frosty beauty.

"Take my hand," he said as he let his hand out, reaching for mine. I placed my hand in his, and they laced together as though this is how things were always meant to be.

We strolled through the snow, taking in the beautiful fauna and flora of the snowy wilderness. The ethereal flora adorned the luminous landscape. Crystalized ferns glistening like diamonds under a silver moon, their delicate fronds suspended in frosty stillness. Luminescent mushrooms emit a gentle glow, casting an otherworldly ambience.
Towering evergreens, draped in snow-laden branches, stand as ancient sentinels. Ghostly wisps of frost weave through the air, creating a dance of icy spirits. Among the fauna, elusive snow foxes and werewolves with shimmering coats dart through the moonlit shadows, while majestic owls, their feathers adorned with frost, survey the magical realm. A realm where winter's embrace reveals a serene and enchanting beauty.

What a great day to be named Nevarah in a place where snow was embraced as winter's magic .

"Where are we going?" I asked, still enchanted by the alluring scenery of the winter in full bloom. "You'll see. Just a little longer," he replied as he guided me behind him, our hands interlocked together.

We walked for a few more moments until we came across the sight of a magnificent and majestic fortress. From the remarkable detail, it looked ancient yet prestine. I walked towards the beautiful establishment bewitched by its beauty that I would have fallen over the cliff, but Malachi managed to come to my rescue.

"Easy there Chionáti. Don't you think it's a little too soon to be falling for me?" he smiled smugly as his held me against him, his hands secure on my waist.

I couldn't muster up any remark as I my mind was too focused on grasping how close we were in this moment. We were so close that if one of us moved even an inch forward, our lips would be connected in a kiss.

I look up at his lips, wondering what they would taste like on mine. Geez Nevarah
Get it together, will you.

Before I could continue to I indulge myself further into my thoughts, we were interrupted.
"Took you long enough," said a voice, jumping out from the trees behind us. I moved away from his touch , leaving a cold feeling behind.

"Well, off we go, you two. We simply can not afford to keep Her Majesty waiting," announced Aeralina as she walked off the cliff. I was worried there for a second until a bat flew up with blue details on its wings. She flew towards what I can imagine is the Palace.
As though Malachi could sense my panic and confusion on how exactly I was going to cross, he reassured me.

𝑆𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat