𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 21

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"Aithan," she moaned my name as I sunk my fangs into the nape of her neck. Her hands slid into my hair, lightly pulling at my curls. To say she tasted amazing would be an understatement. Because I do not remember a time when I craved to taste someone like I did with her. She tasted of sweet like honey, quite addicting like a drug that I could not get enough of.

And the necklace. I had spent a few days in Farolicià; looking for the perfect gem. And seeing her wear it just made this all the more pleasant.

I didn't want to let her go, and my heart would probably never be capable of as such, but right here right now we had one night for us, and I was intent on going to make it count.

I placed light feather kisses on the bite mark and along the curve of her bosom.
My hands made their way down to her chemise, trailing along her curves. With her legs wrapped around me , I sat her on the upper step by the water, leaving me inside and giving me access to her lower body. Grabbing onto her thighs and tracing the bottom of her drawers, I looked up at her, waiting for her permission. She nodded at me, giving me the assurance I needed to continue.

I gently tugged at her drawers, pulling them down. As she lay bare before me ,in nothing but her top chemise and corset, I felt at please. She looked absolutely astonishing, and I could not begin to imagine how sweet she probably tasted. I kissed my way to her ache , starting by her thighs and moving into her inner thighs, each kiss earning me a moan from her sweet mouth. Her hands found solace by grabbing my hair, I assumed it was in hopes to get some control over her sweet little cries but that did little help because when I reached her sensitive sweet spot, all hell broke loose.

I began with a kiss to her clit, and she released a jolted moan, one of surprise and anticipation. As I continued to kiss her , swiping my tongue along her her clit, she moaned my name in a needy moan that echoed throughout the cave. "Aithan," she continued tugging my hair.
"You enjoying yourself love?" I teased her as I grabbed her thighs, pulling her in closer.
"Y-yes very much so," she stuttered as she became a moaning mess. "Aithan. Ohhh Heavens."

Pressing a thumb onto her clit, rubbing against it in circular motions, I looked up at her before my tongue moved against her centre. "Heavens. Ohhh-"
And she tasted as sweet as I thought, her wetness dripping onto my tongue. Actually scratch that, she tasted better than I could have ever imagined, like honeyed cherries, dipped in a fesh coat of honeydew. And her heavy panting echoing as she lay before me, a moaning mess, as I continued to devour her , was a sight for sore eyes.
"A-Aithan, I-I-I think I'm gon-n-na..."
"Go ahead love."

And with a final swoop of my tongue and increased pressure of my thumb on her clit, she became undone before me, and she looked like a goddess. "You are so beautiful," I complimented her as I kissed her centre as she climbed down her high. I made my way back up to her neck, turning her around so I could have access to her corset.

"Will you manage,?" she asked. "No need to worry love. I would like to think I have my way with hands, amongst other things," I replied. And it did not take long either because I gently tugged at the laces, unraveling the knot and removed her chemise along with it. Now she lay completely bare before me, in nothing but the glistening necklace around her neck. Wasting no time, she tugged at my tunic and I pulled it over me, leaving my upper body bare. Her hands traced along my upper shest, taking their sweet time tracing between the lines.

Impatient, I smashed my lips on on her mouth , driven by utter lust and hunger, and another sensation that I could not quite put my finger on. As our tongues collided in dance of dominance, I pushed a finger into her, leaving her speechless and an opportunity to dominate our clashing tongues. I pushed in and out of her as she continued to ride my fingers, her hands holding on to my shoulders for dear life.
"Come for me agápi," I whispered to her ear and she came undone.

𝑆𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin