𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 10

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"You have to tell her everything,"said dad as if he was also in pain.

"There's more?" I asked in confusion.
And everyone turned to look at me...

"Your dreams," said Aunt Imani.
"My dreams?" And she simply just nodded.

Above a high technological systematised centre table , a 3D cubic display of an old book appeared and on the last page, the words were there laid out...the words that were on a constant circulatory loop on my head every night I went to sleep.

"Those words..." I muttered softly.
"Yes, Nevie, those words. A very long time ago, in an ancient world, a prophecy was foretold. One which involved our family history, your great-great-great-great..." said mom.
" Okay, I get it , almost a millennium ago," I said, agitated. "Sorry,just feeling a little anxious."

"Did you drink your smoothie?" asked mom.
"Yes. Can you get back to what you were telling me,please?"

"Right. One of our female ancestors got tangled up in the supernatural world. You see, the concept of a soulmate used to be a big thing for our people and not just us but the supernaturals as well. Though our soulmate bonds never mixed with another species until..." she paused.

" Our ancestor, Lady Eira. She thought she did not have a soulmate until she found him, and he just happened to be...a vampire," said Papá," Thier love,one that was new to the world-of a human and vampire, led to the prophecy, how?We're not sure but we managed to connect that it is connected to you because you had dreams of the prophecy."

"For some time , the dreams got so bad that we hunted and found a solar witch, whom used the sun to seperated your thoughts from the darkness of night and light of day to help with a concoction to help with your panic and anxiety attacks. Hence, the daily dose of milkshakes."

I felt myself getting dizzy for a moment, finding it hard to process this new information.
"Nevie, are you okay?" asked Nezi, concerned.

"I don't know,let's see. I basically just found out that my life has basically been a lie, a charade of sorts. My parents actually scratch that;my family, including my best friend, are all somewhat involved in 'supernatural stuff'. My family are hunters, and you're supposedly a witch. Vampires,witches,werewolves, just supernaturals in general;the things I thought only existed in books and TV shows or weird speculations of the Believers Club at school; actually exist. So no , I don't think so," I ranted off.

I could feel my chest tightening and the rapid heartbeat in my chest cavity, as though my heart was gonna burst out.My breath quickened as though I was merely grasping from air and my lungs wouldn't co-operate with the rest of my body, which shook in fear... What is happening to me?

"Nevie?!" screamed my mama , and that was the last thing I heard before I collapsed to the floor.
When I awakened I was in a dark space, which seemed familiar... my dreams.

As I scanned my space, I realised I was in a white fairy French dress , laying on a a bed surrounded by flowers, as though I was in the middle of a flowery field, in the forest.

I stepped off the bed, cautiously placing one foot after the other, just to check if it was safe. I walked in between flowers, and all of a sudden, the scenery changed, and I was in the middle of a grove of trees, which a lake ran through. I sat on the stone bench with pillows, waiting for this dream to end.

As I sat, I began to sing, a song that just popped up in my head-one I had never heard before;but in that moment, it just felt right.

ఌ︎When you're low, I'll lead you home, Chariot
Take you back to where you're from, Chariot...

𝑆𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin