Happy birthday time!

Start from the beginning

Fuwa: you can't tell me we wouldn't of found a way a round all that if we'd acted sooner we could've busted up the barrier protectors, gone on tv to try and make our case

Koro-sensei: you'd have met with resistance the public would decry you as dangerous possibly demand you to be out on surveillance and besides, the projectors defences are impregnable if I so much as chuck a rock at them the answer is anti aircraft artillery likely as nit even given your skill you would've been captured that's the level of sophistication we're looking at here no expense was spared no technical innovation overlooked on a very real way my assassination represents the many disparate threads of mankind, cumulative wisdom brought together for a single purpose what an accompaniment in truth I'm honoured

Yada: so you're saying all the hard work we put into this has been for nothing?

Koro-sensei: come now, Yada I hardly think that's fair think about it you've journey to outer space uncovered vital information surely we don't call that "nothing"? Especially when said, information brought our classroom a much needed ray of light The past month, may have been shot but also uncommonly sweet that's what it's all about The hard work gave you heart and you used every bit of what you've learned to come and see me one last time for a teacher, there is no greater happiness

Terasaka: so times up is that it the risk is still less than one percent and I don't care what other people say I'll take those odds anyway we've been a hell of a lot closer to you than any of the jerks running this show they have an obligation to hear us out the octopus isn't dangerous, he's a pervert sure but he's not dangerous

Kirara: as far as they're concerned, we're in over our heads why give delinquents the time of day right? it's much easier to brush us off

Takuya: Like we're just gonna to take it bullshit!

Kimura: next government suit crosses my path-

Koro-sensei: Terasaka, all of you permit me to give you a word of advice in life, we travel upstream crashing against the mighty current of society More often than not things simply won't pan out as you wished, don't apportion blame Society is in a circumstance of its own resist the temptation to pronounce it Believe me your time and energy are far better channelled elsewhere when hardship prevails say "that's life" and Marshall, your dignity towards navigating the disappointment as best you can when the water calms ask yourself if society tosses me about like a piece of driftwood is it wise to stay the course or find another way? If E class has taught you nothing else take this to heart, in the assassination classroom, you don't have to face hardships head on you can run,you can hide, launch sneak attack, if it's not against the rules avail yourself of unconventional methods whenever you choose above, all else, be determined don't give frustration the last word The beauty of trial and error is that there's always hope! Never forget when the moment calls for a decisive strike you are an assassin

Kazuto chuckles

Terasaka: unbelievable of all the times to lecture

Koro-sensei: what can I say a lesson seemed appropriate A good educator never pass up an opportunity to teach, thank your rescue efforts moved me more than you can possibly know, i'm embarrassed to admit that I've been holding back tears aren't I a mess

Kazuto: (this guy seriously)

Korosensei: by the way nakamura I couldn't help but notice how delicately you carried yourself during the last battle you always had Kazuto run in and take care of the soldiers while you stayed away and do I smell something sweet by chance

Rio: your ears are as sharp as your nose it's been exactly one year to don't edgy since the moon blew up and if I remember correctly miss yukimura designated today as your birthday, yeah I mean it's no big deal but if you want to shower me with praise for getting it here intact then- Hey!

The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc Where stories live. Discover now