"I'm not saying you should propose at your brother's wedding, that would be a dick move regardless. I was just asking if you see it happening one day," She raised both hands defensively.

"Who knows about one day..." I shook my head, trying to remember what items were still missing from my luggage, "How're things with Daria?"

Bailey's eyes lit up at the mention of her girlfriend.

"We're talking about maybe starting to search for a studio or a one-bedroom together, you know, for the sum of the prices of our rooms we could get something with no roommates," She sounded happy about that.

"Maybe it's your chance to find somewhere with no mice running through the kitchen!" I joked.

"In this city?" She circled a finger up in the air, "I'm telling you, the only reason why you haven't seen any here is because of Keynes, he must be scaring them away," She shrugged.

I winced at the thought of rats and mice in my apartment.

"Maybe you guys could get a cat too," I raised an eyebrow at my friend.

"Move in together, get a cat, and next what? An engagement ring?" She joked.

I smiled and packed Sadie's favorite pair of my jeans, "You have been thinking a lot about marriage recently."

"Shut up man," She got defensive, "We're young and have been together for two months."

"No shit! That's very similar to something I was saying, isn't it?" I threw her a ball of clean socks I meant to pack.

I meant to pack a couple of toys too, but I wasn't sure it was a good idea to do so in front of Bailey.

Not that I cared—as much as I wasn't sure how many hours of jokes about it I could endure.

I eventually decided I would rather not forget about it at the price of letting Bailey have her share of a good time bashing me.

All of my toys were neatly stored in their fabric bags anyway. She could only make fun of so much if she didn't see the specific items I was choosing.

"Oh. My. God. You're actually packing up your dicks, aren't you?" Bailey leaned over to catch a better glimpse of the bags in my hands with way too much amusement. She was definitely familiar with the brands.

"Can we all act like adults B?" I pretended annoyance while thinking of what else I still needed to pack.

"My mom would die if she knew that this is what the youth is up to," She shook her head.

"That's not the impression I got last time I visited her," I winked at her and tried so hard to not bust out laughing.

Bailey immediately jumped up on her knees on the bed, "You don't want to start the 'I fucked your mom' jokes with me, Angie, you know better!"

"She was just having a hard time with the divorce and you know I have a heart of gold," I shrugged, keeping up my act, with my hand open on my chest.

Bailey's mouth fell open, she knew I was joking, but she was still at a loss for words. She shook her head and crossed her arms, biting back a smile.

"Plus, you wouldn't even know which one of my moms you'd go with if by any miracle you had a chance," I shrugged, "And they're intense, you wouldn't make it, they'd eat you alive."

Bailey's eyes widened at my words and the biggest grin played on her face, "Isn't that the dream!"

We both laughed til our faces hurt. I was way over the discomfort I had felt in high school when people crushed on my moms. It was just part of life, it made for very good jokes and I couldn't truly blame my friends for it.

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