50. Consequences

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Esteemed Headmaster Sentenced to 200 Years in Goblin Mines and Execution Upon Completion

Article written by Tenebris Gillfellow

It is with the deepest of horrors that I announce this, my dear readers.
On this February day, I was witnessed to the most sickening trial to have ever graced the courts.

Albus Dumbledore was tried and sentenced by an impartial court of his peers and was found unanimously guilty without a shadow of a doubt while Herr Gellert Grindelwald has been removed from his incarceration in Nurmengard and has been admitted into the care of the leading mind healing facility St. Nero's for the Mentally Wounded. For more on St. Nero's see pg. 2.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore will serve 150 cumulative years in the Goblin Mines under time dilation wards, for the crimes too small for more permanent punishment. After the first part of his sentence has been carried out, he shall be beheaded by the goblins and his 'preserved' head will be locked within the Nation enchanted to continue extolling his crimes wherein should he not show remorse his head shall be met with a single drop of venom from an enchanted statue for each crime. He was assigned a basilisk statue for when the time comes. I say preserved but what I mean is that the Goblins, for their serious offenders have a method they call the 'living death'. For more on Goblin law and punishments see pg. 4

May Mother Magic help us heal from the influence this horrid man had on us. Blessed be.


Gideon Prewitt, he was pretty sure he was Gideon, read over the article again and again and again. Tears filling his eyes. Relief flooding him.

"Are you alright Lord Prewitt?"

"Y-yes Heir Black."

"Ah, no, see, Sirius blood adopted the young Lord Potter as a babe so he qualified in the eyes of the peerage. So technically I get to be the mysteriously alive cool uncle-cousin to my nephew-cousin who as far as Narcissa has told me is bound to bond with Heir Malfoy making him my nephew-cousin-cousin-in-law."

"Mate, your family tree is confusing."

The pair were in the private parlor of Malfoy Manor drinking spiked tea. Narcissa was adamant that any beverage they had save water were spiked with nutrition potions. They had finally become strong enough to be allowed to leave the sick room they were couped up in for a bit.

"It isn't my fault, git." Regulus sniffed indignantly.

"You two better be getting on." Narcissa said as she entered the parlor to look them over.

"Cissy, he was offending the tree of my blood."

"To be fair Reg, your part had a few too many wreaths in the branches." She hummed. "Andy and I lucked out by virtue of a fairly linear branch of my mother's family being added to father's own wreaths."

"And all of the family crazy was wrapped up into Bella."

"We're all given a portion, whether we point it in the right direction or let it fester, save for a few instances, may mother magic soothe their souls, besides, didn't your Aunt marry a Prewitt?"

"Aunt Lucretia did marry an Ignatius Prewitt." At that they both looked at Gideon.

"We'll, since we're on the topic, they died shortly after me and Fid was born. Aunt Fortesmia and Uncle Ollie had told us from a young age that we had best pretend we weren't of Black descent since Walburga was spouting her very vocal disownment of our mother and others for the smallest things." Gideon let his eyes flit from Regulus to Narcissa and back again before beginning again. "They didn't want us to suffer the loss of the gifts we were given because of it."

Gideon then very slowly stretched his magic just so and then he was a copy of Regulus.

"Bloodly buggering hell." Regulus muttered.

"Aunt Muriel always made sure that Fid and I celebrated them properly." Gideon said allowing his form to return to his own before he felt itchy from it.

"The twins lucked out for the most part then." Narcissa said before ordering a light soup for them from the elves.

"Then wouldn't (y/n)'s twins be a bit unlucky there?" Regulus pointed out.

"At their core, perhaps, but the nature of Dire reproduction when a mate is known will mitigate that, like with Draco and Lord Potter." Narcissa explained as she warmed the teapot during her fussing.

"Wait, did you say what I think you said?" Gideon asked a bit confused.

"That either Lord Potter, based on his magical strength, which it's terrifying for a fourteen year old mind you, or Draco, through the sheer force of will of his wolf to provide heirs for his mate, will be carrying children someday?" Narcissa asked to see if they were on the same page.

"Yeah, that." Gideon felt a little wan at that revelation.

"Over the Yule break, we scanned Draco and found that little tidbit, there hasn't yet been a chance for little Reggie yet, but as he's young I doubt it would show so soon."

"He hasn't done the transformation yet has he?" Gideon was confused as to where Regulus was going with this.

"That would be the fault of the Malfoy blood that runs doubly in him. He has all the signs of having done the transformation  without doing it." Narcissa informed.

"Veela blood?" Regulus asked.

"Veela blood."

Gideon was still confused but nodded along like he actually understood what was going on before he began sipping his soup.

"I have 5 Galleons that it's Lord Potter with twins at least and quintuplets at most." Regulus suddenly said, causing Gideon to almost drown in his soup.

"6 that it's a singleton." Narcissa hummed as she helped the former twin breathe again.

Professor Black: A Reader InsertTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang