4. June Pies

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The sun filtered through the windows of 12 Grimmauld Place, adding a golden hue to the place, almost making the dull place happy. (y/n) was standing at her son's door watching him as he slept peacefully. The soft noise of footsteps nearing her told the woman that Rifton, Reggie's guardian has awoken. 

"He must feel safe here. He doesn't sleep when he's not in his animagus." The older man sighed with a soft smile playing on his lips.

"Walburga may have put him more at ease than I could." (y/n) chuckled. "Right, today I'll have a friend over. If he doesn't pass your vibe check there's an ice cream parlor and a park down the street and I can meet you two for a movie once he and I catch up."

"I wouldn't worry about my vibe check, I'd worry about the kid's.  His are far more accurate than mine, it would be terrifying if I didn't know that you were the same way." Rifton chuckled. "It's not like you're inviting a doom and gloom vampire into your home."

The silence between them was deafening as (y/n) held in her laughter and sent the American an amused look.

"Let me put it this way. He refuses to wear any color other than black and seems like the most bitter man in existence." She said once her humor at the notion died down.

"That sounds like the good man from my dreams." Reggie yawned his stormy gaze open and carefree. 

"What dreams?" Rifton tilted his head, this must've been the first time he's heard of them.

"The dreams where Mommy is happiest. In them, I'm already away at school but Mommy is at home with him and three girls, at least their laughs sounded like girls." The boy seemed confused for a moment before the biggest goofiest grin. "Can we make pancakes together, Mommy?" 

"Of course, my starlight. Chocolate chips?" (y/n) lifted the five-year-old and spun him around. 

"Duh!" He giggled sweetly.

It was an hour after breakfast when Kreacher kicked the giggling trio out of the kitchen and they made their way to the living room where a few muggle coloring books and a big box of crayons waited for Reggie's artistic license. Thirty minutes passed of (y/n) charming his finished pictures to move around filling the house with the best sound ever when a knocking sounded on the door. Rifton went to get it and after a moment called for the woman who was coloring with her son. At the door stood Severus Snape sending a disgruntled look at Rifton who puffed his chest up to appear larger.

"Rifton, stop with the dick measuring contest. This is the friend I told you was visiting today. Severus, come in introductions shall be made shortly. The living room is right over there, I'll go get the tea you get comfortable." (y/n) left the two men in the foyer and went to the kitchen and heaved a sigh. 

She picked up the tea tray and paused in the corridor to listen to the conversation within the living room.

"Mr. Sev is upset that Riftie is here. He wanted Mommy to himself." Reggie hummed.

"Can you blame him, Reggie? Your mom is really pretty and soft." Rifton's voice held a smirk.

"I don't recall giving you my name little one." Snape intoned.

"You didn't have to. You are my mom's happiness, or at least you will be, someday. Mommy told me not to say too much about the future when I get the twinges. I can say that Riftie isn't ever going to be a concern, he's gay." Reggie sounded like he was babbling, he wasn't but that's how he got people to wave off the things he said.

"You and your mother are quite alike." Snape hummed pretending to be uninterested.

"Sorry for the wait, Rus. Had trouble finding a tray." (y/n) smiled as she stepped into the room sending a pointed look at Reggie who just smiled at her before grabbing his coloring book and Rifton and dragging him away with a giggle.

Professor Black: A Reader Insertحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن