22. The Start of the Only "Normal" Year

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Once in the Great Hall for the start of year feast, the twins went with their uncles George and Fred as the four huddled together giggling about something Joan sent them a glance while (y/n) sat between her lover and her almost Uncle as a buffer between the two. (y/n) held Severus's hand on his lap as she sipped her wine and listened to Remus tell her some of what he's been up to after the first years were sorted. She had her fingers interlaced with the potions master's and was using her thumb to rub circles into the back of his hand constantly.

"Puff, you should eat some food," Severus said with a glance at the woman next to him.

She nodded in understanding to him and set down her goblet and grabbed a dinner roll with her now free hand. Her outward attention returned to what Remus was talking about as her thumb never once stopped moving.

"So, how long have you two been a thing?" Remus asked a knowing smirk resting on his face as he looked at the two.

The question made her pause the movement of her thumb for a fraction of a moment, which caught the Slytherin's attention.

"Since the end of term of last year." She answered with a gentle squeeze of the hand in hers.

"With enough pining between them to make a romantic sick." McGonagall huffed from the werewolf's other side.

"Oh?" Werewolf McWerewolf was intrigued.

"The day after she finished the animagus process she had potions, it was the Amortentia unit and I think that she was so overloaded with the scent of clove and ink, that she vomited at the slightest whiff of it. The poor girl spent her last summer with us following Albus around like a wee pup. Gave him a heck of a scare by slipping off the side of a cliff." that made Remus send her a look. "Then after the twins were born, Severus was so restless to at least be by her side once news of her situation reached us after what, years of silence on the girl's part."

"Minnie, some water would be good." Dumbledore placed a glass of water before his friend.

"Albus, I'm as sober as a babe. Where was I, Remus? Oh right, they spent the last two years pussy footing around each other and she was the one to make the first move. I think it was the pushing of Lockhart last year. The fool gave her a bouquet so large she nearly set the school on fire, then told him to piss off in flower as the bouquet fell to the floor in ashes. It was a highlight of a stressful year." 

"Thank you for sharing what I'm certain (y/n) would have kept secret." Remus sent her a shit-eating grin.

The feast ended with few surprises and (y/n) found her way to her quarters with the twins who were asleep on either of her shoulders. The paintings that Dumbledore chose to be in her corridor after the incident that was the previous year all greeted her politely as she passed them. A knock sounded at her door once she got the children settled. She opened the door to find Draco standing there.

"Draco, what-"

"I came because I was told to tell you that my father is inviting you and the twins with us to the Quidditch World Cup next summer. I tried to explain that you might already have plans and that the twins might not enjoy being thrust into an obnoxiously loud stadium filled with strangers but he didn't listen and even insisted that you and the twins should not be denied this experience." The teen sent her a look. "If you do go we'd be in the minister's box and it will be dreadfully loud and things might frazzle the twins." 

"You'll be a good dad." (y/n) smiled softly at the boy before her. 

"Ew, why would I want to be?" He made a face at her.

"I'll take it up with your father. I'll see if I can make my arrogant cousin see reason." she waved the blond off with a smile and heaved a sigh once the boy had left her sight.

"I finally finished the last of the scheduling, I wanted to spend some time with you before we are thrown into the fray." A dull voice said from her other side. 

"Would you want to come inside, Rus?" (y/n) stepped back and invited him in biting her bottom lip as she thought.

"Never thought you'd ask, Puff." He swaggered in and pulled her along to her couch, closing her door with a wave of his hand.

Severus pulled her into his lap once he sat down and took her chin in his hand. He used his thumb to pull her lip from between her teeth.

"I thought my teeth were the only ones to taste you. What's on your mind?" He smirked in his dull way.

"My father is trying to buy time with both me and my children." She rested her forehead on his.

"What?" Severus seemed to be taken aback slightly.

"He's intent enough to use Draco as a middleman. Wants to take us to the Quidditch World Cup."

"I'll be by your side if you need me to be." the hand that was on her lower back began rubbing soft circles.

"Thank you."

"Now, since that is a world away," He pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. "Let's not worry about arrogant arses for a while."

Her answer came in the form of a small smile and a somewhat passionate kiss before they settled down for a cuddle throughout the night.

That morning Severus, the twins, and (y/n) sat around the breakfast table as the kids each picked a workbook to work on throughout the day, talked about what teachers they follow around for the day, and made plans to raid the school library for charms books.

"Sis and I were talking on the way here and we realized it would be best if we followed around the elective teachers so when we do finally enroll we will be able to pay attention in classes." Reggie started.

"But then I reminded him that our first year won't be all that educational so I suggested we follow the first years from the houses we will be a part of." Ceres intoned with her nose still in her book as she sipped her morning tea.

"You will be held to the same standard as the students," Severus warned.

"We'll turn in our work along with our basic studies to Mom and she'll look it over and see if we are to standard." Ceres looked up from her reading to the man across from her.

"I expect you to turn your potions work in to me." Severus quirked his brow at the girl who rolled her eyes.

"Reg is the potions nut, you'll be disappointed by my work so please don't get your hopes up."

Thusly the first day of the term began after the children hugged their mother and rushed off to the Great Hall to find their first years. 


Edit: I made the mistake of having this open and unattended while my brother's spawn were about and causing mayhem so only the first part of this chapter was published, therefore I apologize if the second part of it isn't up to my usual standard.

~ Rave

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