40. The World Still Spins

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A week later the decrepit frame of Albus Dumbledore was carefully escorted off of Hogwarts grounds and away to St Mungo's, a disturbing glint in his previously twinkling eyes that made even a griffin shudder. (y/n) had felt the strings of fate shift ever so slightly around and felt both elation and a pit grow in her stomach as the former most powerful sorcerer in the world left the grounds of Hogwarts and his post as Headmaster. That same week every single staff member was put under review by the Board of Governors, mainly to review salaries and to determine whether or not they are fit for the position they have in the first place. So there sat (y/n) before the board.

"Miss Black, we looked through the records kept by Headmaster Dumbledore and found, as corroborated by the School's financial records that you've received a salary of that of a teacher when you are no such thing." A woman seated next to her father spoke. "Care to explain?"

"Only that that is certainly not the case." She reached into a pocket of her robes that had a copy of her account records and pulled out the shrunken stack of parchment. "I'd like to submit these into review. They are a copy of my records directly from Gringotts. You will see, I received an average of 5 knuts a week as salary since September of 1991. Paired with weekly charges to my account of 1200 Galleons, it's a miracle I'm not bankrupt. Not to mention the monthly charges listed as medical when I rarely ever actually step foot anywhere near a medical facility if I can help it."

"There's no record of these funds entering the School's vault." A man on the end was flipping through the school ledger. "If these are true why didn't you bring it up with the Board of Governors sooner?"

"I was being blackmailed into employment here." She watched each of their faces noting the mix of shock and disgust at the idea on all of the Governors' faces.

"What could possibly be so important as to stoop to this?" The man on Lucius' left asked.

"I can answer that." Lucius spoke up. "Albus Dumbledore knows who Miss Black's parents are."

"Not only that Lord Malfoy, but he also knows something that's quite frankly benign, that can get me either executed or put on display for entertainment depending on the Wizengamot's mood. My only fault was daring to become an animagus with the blood that flows through me." She answered further. "He was the one who facilitated the process as well."

"Miss Black, you've been good for the children," Madame Longbottom started. "Dispite that, I'm afraid we can't continue this discussion unless we too know what exactly it is that Albus Dumbledore held over you."

"I think we can all agree that this is a sensitive subject-" Lucius was cut off by the first woman.

"Lord Malfoy, this isn't negotiable."

"Lord Malfoy, do I have permission?" (y/n) asked earning a handful of curious looks.

"I give permission with the understanding that should whatever be spoken of within these walls be used against either the House of Malfoy as a whole or against (y/n) Lucius Black each and every one of the people present will deal with the wrath of the House of Malfoy." There were about three or four of the thirteen Governors that had connected the dots and were both very intrigued and aware that they needed to check their own family trees to be sure if their theories were right.

"Albus Dumbledore knows that my parents are Lord and Lady Malfoy. He also knew through the use of means I know not that they, like many other purebloods, have at least one relative related to the Zigglehaunt Incident of 325." Realization on each of the faces in the room that didn't suspect told her that she was likely to lose her job after this. "A few generations after the incident there was a spike in a certain type of animagi."

Professor Black: A Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now