14. Get Back to Hogwarts

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Joan very much didn't like apparating, as evidenced by the breakfast that they expelled into a nearby bush. 

"This isn't funny." They scowled.

"Whatever you say, dear." She ruffled their hair with a chuckle.

They swatted her hand away and turned to the gate that was standing slightly ajar and trudged right on through followed by the witch who pulled the gate closed after her.

"You have the mirror?" (y/n) asked as they neared the entrance to the school.

"Yes, in my pocket and the extras are in my trunk to pass around." Joan nodded determinedly as they walked through the school doors.

"Good." (y/n) hummed as she led them to her quarters that were altered slightly by a thoughtful Severus to allow for Joan to stay there until school officially started. "The good news is we have some time before the need to be vigilant outweighs the need to learn."

The woman then turned around and held onto the teen's shoulders.

"What is your sleeping arrangement like in the tower?" Her tone serious.

"In the common roo- You don't look pleased by that so far, but let me explain. There's a door off to the side of the common room that's hidden, I checked, it's in all the dormitories. That's where I stay. They're all connected too, so I won't be alone."  

"Understood." (y/n) sighed in relief.

The pair made their way to her quarters and got settled for the most part.

A week later, Joan sat in the Great Hall with their house as the start of year feast was gearing up. They didn't notice as (y/n) left the head table and made her way out. (y/n) found her way to the park where the whomping willow was. 

"Boys." Her calm voice found the ears of the two boys staring into the forest after something.

"Ms. Black." Ron squeaked.

"You're not in trouble with me, however, you could've just had your mother reach me Mr. Weasley and your parents would've been spared an expense." Her arms were crossed as she lightly scolded the two.

She then motioned the boys to follow her to the doors of the Great Hall, where Severus stood with his arms crossed.

"You said we weren't in trouble." Ron looked at her incredulously.

"With me. I don't have the authority. However, with the school and your parents are a different story." She shrugged. "Your mother didn't burn any weird books from Ginny's things, did she?"

"What does that have to do-" Ron was cut off by the witch's sigh.

"I'll need to get a list from the headmaster." She turned and left, leaving the boys in the hands of Snape much to the boy's disappointment.

"Right vile, she is," Ron mumbled.

"Mr. Weasley, need I remind you that she is still recovering from last year's little escapade?" Severus' cold voice made the ginger feel his very soul freeze. "It's a mercy that she hands you to me."

"Understood, sir." Harry deflated, maybe this wouldn't be the thing that gets him expelled. 

The trio made their way to Severus' office, where they were not spared being handed over to McGonagall.

(y/n) sat in her office looking over the list of students sent her way from the recent influx of new students, getting only two preemptively required to meet with her. She didn't know how making the students aware of Gregor would go, but she felt this was going to be a rough year emotionally.

Professor Black: A Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now